Methodology, epistemology, and philosophy of science :
essays in honour of Wolfgang Stegmuller on the occasion of his 60th birthday, June 3rd, 1983
edited by Carl G. Hempel, Hilary Putnam, and Wilhelm K. Essler.
Springer Science
(424 pages :) : illustrations
English and German.;"Reprinted from Erkenntnis, vol. 19, nos. 1, 2, and 3."
Content.- Theory and Measurement.- Vom Henker, vom Lugner und von ihrem Ende.- On the Current Status of the Issue of Scientific Realism.- Situation Semantics and the "Slingshot" Argument.- Notes on the Well-Made World.- Logical Foundations of Psychoanalytic Theory.- Friedlands Sterne oder Facta und Ficta.- Mathematics, the Empirical Facts, and Logical Necessity.- Quines Ontologiekriterium.- Zufall und Notwendigkeit in Wittgensteins Tractatus.- Moralbegrundung ohne Metaphysik.- Probability as a Quasi-Theoretical Concept - J.V. Kries' Sophisticated Account after a Century.- Valuations for Direct Propositional Logic.- Logical Semantics for Natural Language.- On How the Distinction between History and Philosophy of Science Should Not Be Drawn.- Vagueness and Alternative Logic.- The Rationalist Theory of Double Causality as an Object of Hume's Criticism.- A Modest Concept of Moral Sense Perception.- Structuralism and Scientific Realism.- Deterministic and Probabilistic Reasons and Causes.- The Meaning of Probability Statements.- Normative Principles of Rational Communication.- Persoenliche Anmerkungen.
Science -- Methodology.
Science -- Philosophy.
Stegmüller, Wolfgang.
edited by Carl G. Hempel, Hilary Putnam, and Wilhelm K. Essler.