proceedings of the third European Conference of Medical Libraries, Montpellier, France, September 23-26, 1992
Suzanne Bakker, editor, Monique C. Cleland, co-editor ; with the collaboration of P.M. Belbenoit-Avich [and others] ; on behalf of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries.
Foreword. Information Transfer: New Age - New Ways. I. Medical Information : a World in Evolution. II. New Technology in Information Transfer. III. Implications of Information and Information Transfer. 1: Scientific Communication. 1.1. Communication. 1.2. Quality Assurance. 2: Librarianship. 2.1. Education and Responsibility. 2.2. Users and their Needs. 2.3. End-User Training. 3: Medical Libraries. 3.1. National Cooperation. 3.2. Library Cooperation. 3.3. International Cooperation. 4: Library Services. 4.1. A Changing World. 4.2. New Methods. 4.3. New Services. 5: New Technologies. 5.1. New Challenges. 5.2. Database Services. 5.3. CD-ROM. 5.4. Interfaces. 5.5. Networking. 6: Specialty Libraries. 6.1. Information in the Pharmaceutical Industry. 6.2. History of Medicine. 6.3. Nursing and Allied Health Libraries. 6.4. Oncology Libraries. 6.5. Libraries and Documentation Centres. Alphabetic Index of Contributing Authors. Alphabetic Index of Keywords.
Proceedings of the Third European Conference of Medical Libraries, Montpellier, France, September 23--26, 1992
Medical informatics -- Congresses.
Medical informatics.
Medical libraries -- Congresses.
Suzanne Bakker, editor, Monique C. Cleland, co-editor ; with the collaboration of P.M. Belbenoit-Avich [and others] ; on behalf of the European Association for Health Information and Libraries.
European Association for Health Information and Libraries.