Perfect phrases for dealing with difficult people :
hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for handling conflict, confrontations, and challenging personalities /
Susan F. Benjamin
New York :
xi, 226 p. ;
21 cm
Perfect phrases series
Why address difficult people? -- Top seven imperatives of communicating with difficult people -- Unfriendly coworkers -- Coworkers who withhold -- Petty and gossipy coworkers -- Argumentative People -- Loud and obnoxious coworkers -- Negative coworkers -- When that negative, angry, or difficult employee is you -- Bully bosses -- Unfocused and forgetful bosses -- Distant, weak, or hands-off bosses -- How to ask for an overdue promotion or raise -- Micromanagers -- How to correct your boss's mistakes -- How to get a letter of recommendation from a reluctant boss -- How to say good-bye to a problem boss--without burning bridges -- Complainers -- How to address inappropriate behavior, dress, or hygiene -- Employees who spread rumors -- Lazy or lethargic employees -- Passive-aggressive employees -- Angry employees -- Stuck-in-the-box performers -- How to settle disputes between employees -- How to motivate employees who resist change -- Angry customers -- Antsy and anxious customers -- How to help customers adapt to changes -- How to resolve billing problems with customers -- How to manage demanding customers -- How to control a coworker from another department in a meeting with customers -- Difficult contractors -- Difficult vendors and suppliers -- How to negotiating finances with difficult vendors and contractors -- Disruptive participants in presentations
Hundreds of ready-to-use phrases for handling conflict, confrontations and challenging personalities. Perfect for managers and volunteer leaders--anyone who deals with irrational, emotional, negative, upset or unhappy people. This guide can be a real lifesaver--on the job, at meetings, anywhere