1. The study of body function -- Introduction to physiology -- Homeostasis and feedback control -- The primary tissues -- Organs and systems -- 2. Chemical composition of the body -- Atoms, ions, and chemical bonds -- Carbohydrates and lipids -- Proteins -- Nucleic acids -- 3. Cell structure and genetic control -- Plasma membrane and associated structures -- Cytoplasm and its organelles -- Cell nucleus and gene expression -- Protein synthesis and secretion -- DNA synthesis and cell division -- Interactions -- 4. Enzymes and energy -- Enzymes as catalysts -- Control of enzyme activity -- Bioenergetics -- 5. Cell respiration and metabolism -- Glycolysis and the lactic acid pathway -- Aerobic respiration -- Metabolism of lipids and proteins -- Interactions -- 6. Interactions between cells and the extracellular environment -- Extracellular environment -- Diffusion and osmosis -- Carrier-mediated transport -- The membrane potential -- Cell signaling -- Interactions -- 7. The nervous system : neurons and synapses -- Neurons and supporting cells -- Electrical activity in axons -- The synapse -- Acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter -- Monoamines as neurotransmitters -- Other neurotransmitters -- Synaptic integration -- 8. The central nervous system -- Structural organization of the brain -- Cerebrum -- Diencephalon -- Midbrain and hindbrain -- Spinal cord tracts -- Cranial and spinal nerves -- 9. The autonomic nervous system -- Neural control of involuntary effectors -- Divisions of the autonomic nervous system -- Functions of the autonomic nervous system -- Interactions
10. Sensory physiology -- Characteristics of sensory receptors -- Cutaneous sensations -- Taste and smell -- Vestibular apparatus and equilibrium -- The ears and hearing -- The eyes and vision -- Retina -- Neural processing of visual information -- Interactions -- 11. Endocrine glands : secretion and action of hormones -- Endocrine glands and hormones -- Mechanisms of hormone action -- Pituitary gland -- Adrenal glands -- Thyroid and parathyroid glands -- Pancreas and other endocrine glands -- Autocrine and paracrine regulation -- Interactions -- 12. Muscle : mechanisms of contraction and neural control -- Skeletal muscles -- Mechanisms of contraction -- Contractions of skeletal muscles -- Energy requirements of skeletal muscles -- Neural control of skeletal muscles -- Cardiac and smooth muscles -- Interactions -- 13. Blood, heart and circulation -- Functions and components of the circulatory system -- Composition of the blood -- Structure of the heart -- Cardiac cycle -- Electrical activity of the heart and the electrocardiogram -- Blood vessels -- Atherosclerosis and cardiac arrhythmias -- Lymphatic system -- 14. Cardiac output, blood flow, and blood pressure -- Cardiac output -- Blood volume -- Vascular resistance to blood flow -- Blood flow to the heart and skeletal muscles -- Blood flow to the brain and skin -- Blood pressure -- Hypertension, shock, and congestive heart failure -- Interactions -- 15. The immune system -- Defense mechanisms -- Functions of B lymphocytes -- Functions of T lymphocytes -- Active and passive immunity -- Tumor immunology -- Diseases caused by the immune system -- Interactions
16. Respiratory physiology -- The respiratory system -- Physical aspects of ventilation -- Mechanics of breathing -- Gas exchange in the lungs -- Regulation of breathing -- Hemoglobin and oxygen transport -- Carbon dioxide transport -- Acid-base balance of the blood -- Effect of exercise and high altitude on respiratory function -- Interactions -- 17. Physiology of the kidneys -- Structure and function of the kidneys -- Glomerular filtration -- Reabsorption of salt and water -- Renal plasma clearance -- Renal control of electrolyte and acid-base balance -- Clinical applications -- Interactions -- 18. The digestive system -- Introduction to the digestive system -- From mouth to stomach -- Small intestine -- Large intestine -- Liver, gallbladder, and pancreas -- Neural and endocrine regulation of the digestive system -- Digestion and absorption of carbohydrates, lipids, and proteins -- Interactions -- 19. Regulation of metabolism -- Nutritional requirements -- Regulation of energy metabolism -- Energy regulation by the pancreatic islets -- Diabetes mellitus and hypoglycemia -- Metabolic regulation by adrenal hormones, thyroxine, and growth hormone -- Regulation of calcium and phosphate balance -- 20. Reproduction -- Sexual reproduction -- Endocrine regulation of reproduction -- Male reproductive system -- Female reproductive system -- Menstrual cycle -- Fertilization, pregnancy, and parturition -- Concluding remarks -- Interactions