A historical sketch of sociological theory : the early years -- Karl Marx -- Emile Durkheim -- Max Weber -- Georg Simmel -- A historical sketch of sociological theory : the later years -- Structural functionalism, neofunctionalism, and conflict theory -- Varieties of neo-Marxian theory -- Systems theory -- Symbolic interactionism -- Ethnomethodology -- Exchange, network, and rational choice theories -- Contemporary feminist theory -- Micro-macro and agency-structure integration -- Contemporary theories of modernity -- Globalization theory -- Structuralism, poststructuralism, and postmodern social theory -- Cutting-edge developments in contemporary theory -- Appendix: Sociological metatheorizing and a metatheoretical schema for analyzing sociological theory
The eighth edition of Sociological Theory by George Ritzer, one of the foremost authorities on sociological theory, gives readers a comprehensive overview of the major theorists and schools of sociological thought. Key theories are integrated with biographical sketches of theorists, and theories are placed in their historical and intellectual context. This helps students to better understand the original works of classical and modern theorists as well as to compare and contrast the latest substantive theories