Rev. ed. of: International economics : theory and policy / Paul Krugman, Maurice Obstfeld. 8th ed.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Part 1: International trade theory. World trade : an overview ; Labor productivity and comparative advantage : the Ricardian model ; Specific factors and income distribution ; Resources and trade : the Heckscher-Ohlin model ; The standard trade model ; External economies of scale and the international location of production ; Firms in the global economy : export decisions, outsourcing, and multinational enterprises -- Part 2: International trade policy. The instruments of trade policy ; The political economy of trade policy ; Trade policy in developing countries ; Controversies in trade policy -- Part 3: Exchange rates and open-economy macroeconomics. National income accounting and the balance of payments ; Exchange rates and the foreign exchange market : an asset approach ; Money, interest rates, and exchange rates ; Price levels and the exchange rate in the long run ; Output and the exchange rate in the short run ; Fixed exchange rates and foreign exchange -- Part 4: International macroeconomic policy. International monetary systems : an historical overview ; Optimum currency areas and the European experience ; Financial globalization : opportunity and crisis ; Developing countries : growth, crisis, and reform -- Mathematical postscripts.