Appendix I. List of software programs and web sites useful for each chapter -- Appendix II. Properties of common acids and bases -- Appendix III. Properties of common buffer compounds -- Appendix IV. pKa values and pHI values of amino acids -- Appendix V. Molecular weight of some common proteins -- Appendix VI. Common abbreviations used in this text -- Appendix VII. Units of measurement -- Appendix VIII. Table of the elements -- Appendix IX. Answers to odd-numbered study problems
Introduction to the biochemistry/molecular biology laboratory -- Using the computer and internet for research in biochemistry -- General laboratory procedures -- Centrifugation techniques in biochemistry/molecular biology -- Purification and analysis of biomolecules by chromatography -- Characterization of proteins and nucleic acids by electrophoresis -- Spectroscopic analysis of biomolecules -- Biomolecular interactions: ligand binding and enzyme reacations -- Molecular biology I: structures and analysis of nucleic acids -- Molecular biology II: recombinant DNA, molecular cloning and enzymology -- Protein production, purification, and characterization