"Past as prologue" : the 1950s as an introduction to the 1960s -- 1. "Keep on walkin', keep on talkin'": Civil Rights to 1965 : -- The power of nonviolence / Martin Luther King -- The Jackson sit-in / Anne Moody -- SNCC founding statement -- The freedom rides -- Wake up America / John Lewis -- Letters from Mississippi -- Testimony before the Democratic National Convention / Fannie Lou Hamer and Rita Schwerner -- SNCC position paper : women in the movement -- Sex and caste : a kind of memo / Casey Hayden and Mary King -- Selma / Sheyann Webb
2. "My generation": the student movement and the new left : -- Beginnings : -- The Port Huron statement -- Letter to the new left / C. Wright Mills -- Raising the question of who decides / Casey Hayden -- How to help the ones at the bottom / Jean Smith ; -- Community organizing : -- The politics of "the movement" / Tom Hayden -- Cleveland : Conference of the poor / Connie Brown ; -- The free speech movement : -- The wedding within the war / Michael Rossman -- An end to history / Mario Savio ; -- Free speech movement leaflets : -- To the students of political science -- "Do not fold, bend, mutilate, or spindle" -- Catch- 801 / Marvin Garson -- Freedom is a big deal / Barbara Garson ; -- New left thinking at mid-decade : -- In white America : radical consciousness and social change / Gregory Calvert -- Student power : a radical view / Carl Davidson
3. "Say it loud, say it proud": Black nationalism and ethnic consciousness : -- Black nationalism and black pride : -- The ballot or the bullet / Malcolm X ; -- The Watts Riots : -- The McCone Commission Report on Watts : Violence in the city-- an end or a beginning? -- Watts : the aftermath / Paul Bullock -- The basis of black power / SNCC -- Black art and black liberation / Larry Neal ; -- The Black Panthers : -- The black panther platform : "what we want, what we believe" -- Police and the panthers / Deborah Johnson and Flint Taylor -- Requiem for nonviolence, the death of Martin Luther King, Jr. / Eldridge Cleaver -- The revolt of the black athlete / Harry Edwards ; -- Latinos : -- Chicano manifesto / Armando B. Rendon -- El plan de Aztlán -- First National Chicana Conference -- The tale of the raza, Cesar Chavez and the farm workers' movement / Luis Valdez ; -- Asian-Americans : -- The emergence of yellow power / Amy Uyematsu ; -- American Indians : -- National Indian Youth Council -- Watts and Little Big Horn
4. "Hey, Hey, LBJ!": Vietnam and the antiwar movement : -- The war : -- Background to the war: Vietnam documents : -- The Vietnamese declaration of independence -- Geneva accords -- John F. Kennedy and the "domino theory" -- Henry Cabot Lodge on removing Diem -- The Tonkin Gulf resolution -- McGeorge Bundy and "sustained reprisal" -- John T. McNaughton's "plan for action for South Vietnam" -- George Ball and the internal opposition -- Lyndon Johnson on why fight in Vietnam? -- One soldier's view : Vietnam letters / George Skakel ; -- The anti-war movement : -- The incredible war / Paul Potter -- Trapped in a system / Carl Oglesby -- SDS call for a march on Washington -- SNCC position paper on Vietnam -- Declaration of independence from the war in Vietnam / Martin Luther King, Jr. -- Berrigan at Cornell / Daniel Berrigan ; -- Resistance and the draft : -- Channeling -- We refuse to serve / The Resistance -- Vietnam and the draft -- A time to say no / Michael Ferber ; -- Anti-draft activity : -- Draft board raids up -- An open letter to the corporations of America -- Beaver 55 strikes again ; -- Experiences of war : -- In the war : -- Army times -- The Fort Hood three ; -- Antiwar activity within the military : -- The Pentagon is rising -- A lot of GIs -- A.W.O.L. -- Oleo Strut is recruiting -- Join the foreign legion -- My Lai -- Home before morning / Lynda Van Devanter -- Vietnam veterans against the war / John Kerry -- One vet remembers / Robert Cagle
5. "Eight miles high"" the counterculture : -- The arts : -- Trout fishing in America / Richard Brautigan -- The living theatre / Pierre Biner -- San Francisco Bray / Richard Goldstein -- Love, Janis / Janis Joplin -- Nothing would ever be the same / Danny Sugerman -- Rock and roll is a weapon of cultural revolution / John Sinclair -- To dance / Tom Robbins ; -- Religion : -- Buddhism and the coming revolution / Gary Snyder -- Are you running with me, Jesus? / Malcolm Boyd ; -- The drug culture : -- Confessions of a middle-aged pot smoker -- LSD : the acid test / Donovan Bess -- The teachings of Don Juan : a Yaqui way of knowledge / Carlos Castaneda ; -- The sexual revolution : -- Unstructured relations -- The free-sex movement ; -- Hippies : -- What is a hippie? / Guy Strait -- The human be-in / Helen Swick Perry -- The Digger papers ; -- Yippies : -- Yippie manifesto -- Do it / Jerry Rubin ; -- Communes : -- The alternative / William Hedgepath
6. "Love it or leave it": the conservative impulse in a radical age : -- The new conservatism : -- The Sharon statement -- 1964 acceptance speech / Barry Goldwater ; -- The conservative impulse in politics : -- If mob rule takes hold in the U.S. / Richard Nixon -- Freedom vs. anarchy on campus / Ronald Reagan ; -- George Wallace : -- Wallace / Pete Hamill -- Why Wallace? / Michael Novak ; -- Conservative response to 1960s issues : -- The John Birch Society and the Vietnam war -- Communist infiltration / Edwin Willis -- Impudence in the streets / Spiro T. Agnew -- Tony Imperiale stands vigilant for law and order / Paul Goldberger ; -- COINTELPRO : -- Who were the targets? -- COINTELPRO and homophobia -- COINTELPRO and violence ; Counter-counterculture : -- Air pollution? -- Rhythm, riots and revolution / David Noebel
7. "The whole world is watching": 1968 ... and after : -- Campus explosions : -- Two, three, many Columbias / Tom Hayden -- Columbia liberated / Columbia Strike Coordinating Committee -- List of strike demands / San Francisco State Black Student Union and Third World Liberation Front -- Harvard : the rulers and the ruled -- Harvard University strike poster -- Santa Barbara -- University of Illinois ; -- International protests ; --Students of the world ... -- Student uprisings rock Mexico -- Voices / Ronald Fraser ; -- The Democrats divide : -- The McCarthy campaign / Jeremy Larner -- An American melodrama / Lewis Chester, Godfrey Hodgson, and Bruce Page -- The Kerner report -- The Chicago Democratic Convention / Jeremy Larner -- Rights in conflict / The Walker Commission -- The trial / Tom Hayden ; -- The New Left splinters: the weather underground : -- Bring the war home -- Honky tonk women
8. "She's leaving home": the women's liberation movement : -- Liberal feminism : -- The problem that has no name / Betty Friedan -- Job discrimination and what women can do about it / Alice Rossi -- NOW bill of rights -- What would it be like if women win / Gloria Steinem ; -- Radical women : -- No more Miss America -- Principles / New York Radical Women -- Redstockings manifesto -- About my consciousness raising / Barbara Susan -- The politics of housework / Pat Mainardi ; -- Women's political action : -- Women support Panther sisters -- Women destroy draft files -- Free our sisters, free ourselves -- Goodbye to all that / Robin Morgan ; -- Our bodies, our sexuality : -- The myth of the vaginal orgasm / Anne Koedt -- An abortion testimonial / Barbara Susan -- The women-identified woman / Radicalesbians ; -- Race, ethnicity, and class: feminist issues : -- To my white working-class sisters / Debby D'Amico -- Double jeopardy : to be black and female / Frances Beal -- To whom will she cry rape? / Abbey Lincoln -- The Mexican-American woman / Enriqueta Longauex y Vasquez -- Conference of Mexican-American women : un remolino / Francisca Flores -- What is reality? / Francisca Flores -- The Young Lords Party / Denise Oliver -- Asian women as leaders -- Politics of the interior
9. "When the music's over": endings and beginnings : -- People's park : -- The meaning of People's Park / John Oliver Simon -- Who owns the park? / Frank Bardacke -- Human values and People's Park / Denise Levertov -- Their foe is ours -- Pig's park ; -- Kent State and the Jackson State : -- Kent State / The President's Commission on Campus Unrest -- Get off our campus / Tom Grace -- What did they expect, spitballs? / James Michener -- Jackson State / The President's Commission on Campus Unrest ; -- Gay liberation : -- Does research into homosexuality matter? / Franklin Kameny -- The homophile puzzle / Clark Polak -- Gay power comes to Sheridan Square / Lucian K. Truscott -- What we want, what we believe / Third World Gay Liberation -- Lesbians and the ultimate liberation of women / Gay Liberation Front Women ; -- Woodstock and Altamont : -- A fleeting, wonderful moment of "community" -- Coming of age in Aquarius / Andrew Kopkind -- The Rolling Stones: at play in the Apocalypse / Michael Lydon ; -- The environmental movement : -- The population bomb / Paul Ehrlich -- Lake Erie water / Barry Commoner -- Diet for a small planet / Frances Moore Lappé ; -- The end of the decade : -- To recapture the dream / Julius Lester