Introduction. -- Nemerov, H. On poetry and painting, with a thought of music. -- Argan, G.C. Ideology and iconology. -- Taylor, J.C. Two visual excursions. -- Abel, E. Redefining the sister arts. -- Gilman, E.B. Word and image in Quarles' Emblemes. -- Steinberg, L. The line of fate in Michelangelo's painting. -- Mast, G. Kracauer's two tendencies and the early history of film narrative. -- Metz, C. Trucage and the film. -- Arnheim, R.A plea for visual thinking. -- Gombrich, E.H. Standards of truth. -- Snyder, J. Picturing vision. -- Searle, J.R. Las meninas and the paradoxes of pictoral representation. -- Morgan, R.P. Musical time/musical space. -- Mitchell, W.J.T. Spatial form in literature
"A remarkably rich and provocative set of essays on the virtually infinite kinds of meanings generated by images in both the verbal and visual arts. Ranging from Michelangelo to Velazquez and Delacroix, from the art of the emblem book to the history of photography and film, The Language of Images offers at once new ways of thinking about the inexhaustibly complex relation between verbal and iconic representation."--James A.W. Heffernan, Dartmouth College