Introduction / Jim Davis -- The golden age of pantomime. The mid-Victorian period : E. L. Blanchard and "the golden age of pantomime" / Jeffrey Richards -- "Arcadias of pantomime" : Ruskin, pantomime, and The Illustrated London news / Sharon Aronofsky Weltman -- Lewis Carroll, E. L. Blanchard and Frank W. Green / Richard Foulkes -- Harlequin encore : sixty years of the Britannia pantomime / Janice Norwood -- Pantomime, representation and ideology. Pantomime and the experienced young fellow / Jacky Bratton -- 'Only an undisciplined (nation) would have done it': Drury Lane pantomime in the late nineteenth century / Jim Davis -- Dan Leno: dame of Drury Lane / Caroline Radcliffe -- Provincial pantomime. Mapping the place of pantomime in a Victorian town / Jo Robinson -- 'Local and political hits': allusion and collusion in the local pantomime / Jill Sullivan -- 'Holding up the mirror' : readership and authorship in the era's pantomime reviews from the 1870s / Ann Featherstone -- The legacy of Victorian pantomime. Continuity and transformation in twentieth century pantomime / Millie Taylor -- Victorian pantomime on twentieth century film / David Mayer
Pantomime-- Great Britain-- History-- 19th century