9: Month three: it's a way of life -- Week 9: Special opportunities: video, mobile, and more -- Monday: Image search -- Tuesday: Video search -- Wednesday: Blog search -- Thursday: Mobile search -- Friday: Improve your search engine snippets -- Week 10: Research and development -- Monday and Tuesday: SEO news and trends -- Wednesday: International search -- Thursday: Testing -- Friday: Analytics meditation -- Week 11: What's your problem? -- Monday: New site, new problems -- Tuesday: Site performance and Malware -- Wednesday: Catch up with your team -- Thursday: Landing page optimization -- Friday: Brand busters -- Week 12: SEO status report -- Monday: Site ranks and indexing -- Tuesday: Inbound links and social status -- Wednesday: Referring keywords, conversions, and traffic -- Thursday: Paid search -- Friday: Opportunities and action items -- Moving on: forging your own SEO path -- 10: Extra-credit and guilt-free slacking -- Slacking spectrum -- Ideas for reducing your SEO workload -- Extra credit continuum -- Extra credit tasks -- Internal search function -- Webmaster tools -- Audience segmentation -- XML sitemaps -- hCards -- Listing enhancements -- Appendix -- Glossary -- Index.
Foreword -- Introduction -- Part 1: Foundation -- 1: Clarify your goals -- What is SEO? -- Do I need to perform SEO for my website? -- What are the overall goals of my business? -- What function does my website serve? -- How is my website connecting with the goals of my business? -- SEO you have, not the one you want -- Some interim solutions -- Who do I want to visit my website? -- What do I want visitors to do on my website? -- Which pages do I most want my website visitors to see? -- How will I measure the success of this SEO campaign? -- Tracking lets you drop the duds -- Tracking will help you keep your job -- Tracking helps you stay up-to-date -- 2: Customize your approach -- It's your SEO plan -- Business-to-business -- Business-to-consumer -- Large organization -- Small organization -- Really small organization -- Brick-and-mortar -- Blog -- Web designer -- Nonprofit -- 3: Eternal truths of SEO -- Robots deliver -- Search results are blended -- Organic listings -- Paid search ads -- Site feeds -- Vertical search results -- Meta search engines and search aggregators -- Algorithms change -- Humans are smart-computers aren't -- Text matters -- Keyword selection is key -- Your site has many keyword placement opportunities -- It's not just about rank -- Ranks change -- Holistic approach helps -- Search engines don't like tricks -- SEO is not brain surgery -- 4: How the search engines work right now -- In pursuit of right now -- Google basics -- Bing basics -- Yahoo! Basics -- Organic web search ranking factors -- Blended search ranking factors -- Paid placement -- Social and mobile web -- SEO trend spotting.
Part 2: Strategy -- 5: Get your team on board -- Challenge of SEO team building -- Marketing, sales, and public relations -- Marketing: VIPs of SEO -- Selling SEO to sales -- SEO and PR can relate -- IT, webmasters, and programmers -- Communicating with IT -- IT workload conundrum -- How SEO benefits IT -- Graphic designers -- Value graphics -- Educate and empower -- Make it official -- Writers and editors -- Executives and product managers -- 6: Your one-month prep: keywords, priorities, and goals -- Your SEO idea bank -- Week 1: Keywords -- Monday: Your keyword gut check -- Tuesday: Resources to expand and enhance the keyword list -- Wednesday: Keyword data tools -- Thursday: Keyword data gathering -- Friday: Your short list -- Week 2: Baseline assessment -- Monday: Ranks -- Tuesday: Indexed pages -- Wednesday: Inbound links -- Thursday: Historical conversions -- Friday: Site optimization -- Week 3: Competition -- Monday: Identify your top five competitors -- Tuesday: Snooping tools and techniques -- Wednesday: Assess on-page factors -- Thursday: Assess off-page factors -- Friday: Paid competition -- Week 4: Analytics and goals -- Monday: Web analytics study hall -- Tuesday: Tracking online conversions -- Wednesday: Tracking offline conversions -- Thursday: Benchmarks and goals -- Friday: Quick reference report -- Part 3: Your SEO Plan -- 7: Month one: kick it into gear -- Week 1: Basic site optimization -- Monday: Page titles -- Tuesday: Meta tags -- Wednesday: Site text -- Thursday: Internal links -- Friday: Implementation -- Week 2: Site structure improvements -- Monday: Robot walk-through -- Tuesday: Spider's-eye view -- Wednesday: Duplicate, near-duplicate, and canonical page problems -- Thursday: Flash and Ajax -- Friday: Your robots_txt file -- Week 3: Link building -- Monday: Your existing links -- Tuesday: Find linking opportunities -- Wednesday: Art of link requests -- Thursday: Bad neighborhoods -- Friday: What's watering down your link juice? -- Week 4: Building content for links and engagement -- Monday: Discover content you already have -- Tuesday: Develop new content in-house -- Wednesday: Using other people's content -- Thursday: Develop content strategies -- Friday: Content thieves -- 8: Month two: establish the habit -- Week 5: Social media marketing -- Monday: Study hall-get to know the social web -- Tuesday: Online reputation monitoring -- Wednesday: Twitter boot camp -- Thursday: Your Facebook strategy -- Friday: Social media on your site -- Week 6: Set up your paid search account -- Monday: Study hall -- Tuesday: Prep your paid search keywords -- Wednesday: Write your ad text -- Thursday: Turn on your campaign -- Friday: Paid search quick check -- Week 7: Selling through search -- Monday: Shopping search opportunities -- Tuesday: Search that sells -- Wednesday: Basic store optimization -- Thursday: Your Google merchant center account -- Friday: Seller ratings -- Week 8: Local search -- Monday: Local search 101 -- Tuesday: Central data providers -- Wednesday: Google and bing local listings -- Thursday: Onsite edits for local optimatization -- Friday: Customer reviews.
"The third edition of the bestselling guide to do-it-yourself SEO Getting seen on the first page of search engine result pages is crucial for businesses and online marketers. Search engine optimization helps improve Web site rankings, and it is often complex and confusing. This task-based, hands-on guide covers the concepts and trends and then lays out a day-by-day strategy for developing, managing, and measuring a successful SEO plan. With tools you can download and case histories to illustrate key points, it's the perfect solution for busy marketers, business owners, and others whose jobs include improving Web site traffic. A successful SEO plan is vital to any business with an online presence This book provides strategies for setting goals and gaining corporate support, developing and implementing a plan, and monitoring trends and results Offers hints, tips, and techniques for everyone from one-person shops to Fortune 500 companies Companion Web site includes downloadable tracking spreadsheets, keyword list templates, templates for checking rank and site indexes, and a calendar with daily SEO tasks that you can import into your own calendar system Fully updated and expanded, Search Engine Optimization: An Hour a Day, Third Edition will help you raise your visibility on the Web."--
Computer network resources, Handbooks, manuals, etc.