Introduction / S. Kakaç -- Basic design methods of heat exchangers / S. Kakaç and E. Paykoç -- Forced convection correlations for single-phase side of heat exchangers / S. Kakaç and R. Oskay -- Heat exchanger fouling / A.K. Agrawal and S. Kakaç -- Industrial heat exchanger design practices / J. Taborek -- Fossil-fuel-fired boilers : fundamentals and elements / J.B. Kitto, Jr. and M.J. Albrecht -- Once-through boilers / R. Leithner -- Thermohydraulic design of fossil-fuel-fired boiler components / Z.H. Lin -- Nuclear steam generators and waste heat boilers / J.G. Collier -- Heat transfer in condensation / P.J. Marto -- Steam power plant and process condensers / D. Butterworth -- Evaporators and condensers for refrigeration and air-conditioning systems / M.B. Pate -- Evaporators and reboilers in the process and chemical industries / P.B. Whalley -- Thermophysical properties / P.E. Liley.