Introduction / H. Russell Bernard -- Epistemology : the nature and validation of anthropological knowledge / Thomas Schweizer -- In search of meaningful methods / James Fernandez and Michael Herzfeld -- Research design and research strategies / Jeffrey C. Johnson -- Ethics / Carolyn Fluehr-Lobban -- Feminist methods / Christine Ward Gailey -- Transnational research / Ulf Hannerz -- Participant observation / Kathleen M. Dewalt and Billie R. Dewalt with Coral B. Wayland -- Direct systematic observation of behavior / Allen Johnson and Ross Sackett -- Person-centered interviewing and observation / Robert I. Levy and Douglas W. Hollan -- Structured interviewing and questionnaire construction / Susan C. Weller -- Discourse-centered methods / Brenda Farnell and Laura R. Graham -- From pictorializing to visual anthropology / Fadwa El Guindi -- Fieldwork in the archives : methods and sources in historical anthropology / Caroline B. Brettell -- Reasoning with numbers / W. Penn Handwerker and Stephen P. Borgatti -- Text analysis : qualitative and quantitative methods / H. Russell Bernard and Gery W. Ryan -- Cross-cultural research / Carol R. Ember and Melvin Ember -- Methods in applied anthropology / Robert T. Trotter, II and Jean J. Schensul -- Presenting anthropology to diverse audiences / Conrad Phillip Kottak
"This Handbook establishes a new benchmark for understanding anthropological field methods of the past 100 years. Avoiding the divisive debates over science and humanism, the authors contributing to this volume draw upon both traditions to define and describe fieldwork in practice." "Authored by 27 leading anthropologists, these chapters provide the reader with comprehensive, contemporary descriptions of the methods that anthropologists use, the logic behind their use, and of the complex problems involved in conducting research on people in their natural setting." "This is an essential reference tool for all scholars, professionals, and advanced students in anthropology and in other disciplines using fieldwork."--Jacket