Advances in entrepreneurship, firm emergence and growth,
v. 7
Includes bibliographical references and index
Innovation and corporate entrepreneurship / Dean A. Shepherd and Jerome A. Katz -- Corporate entrepreneurship behavior among managers : a review of theory, research, and practice / Donald F. Kuratko, R. Duane Ireland and Jeffrey S. Hornsby -- Central problems in managing corporate innovation and entrepreneurship / Andrew H. Van de Ven and Rhonda M. Engleman -- The relevance of theories of change for corporate entrepreneurship scholars / Dawn R. DeTienne -- Equifinality, corporate entrepreneurship and strategy-structure-performance relationships / Daniel F. Jennings and Kevin G. Hindle -- International corporate entrepreneurship and the evolution of organizational competence : a knowledge-based perspective / Shaker A. Zahra, Heidi M. Neck and Donna J. Kelley -- International corporate entrepreneurship : the impact on global HR management / Bostjan Antoncic, Melissa S. Cardon and Robert D. Hisrich -- Achieving "critical mess" in entrepreneurship scholarship / William B. Gartner -- Can signal detection theory be useful in the study of entrepreneurship? / C.M. Gaglio -- Signal detection theory and the entrepreneur : clarification, extension, and future / Jeffrey S. McMullen and Dean A. Shepherd