Theoretical approaches -- Children's multiplying schemes / Leslie Steffe -- Multiplicative conceptual field : what and why? / Gerard Vergnaud -- Extending the meaning of multiplication and division / Brian Greer -- The role of the unit -- Ratio and proportion : cognitive foundations in unitizing and norming / Susan Lamon -- Units of quantity : a conceptual basis common to additive and multiplicative structures / Merlyn Behr ... [et al.] -- Ratio and rate -- The development of the concept of speed and its relationship to concepts of rate / Patrick Thompson -- Missing-value proportional reasoning problems, factors affecting informal reasoning patterns / James Kaput and Mary Maxwell West -- Multiplicative worlds -- Splitting, similarity, and rate of change : a new approach to multiplication and exponential functions / Jere Confrey -- Multiplicative structures and the development of logarithms : what was lost by the invention of function? / Erick Smith and Jere Confrey -- Intuitive models -- The impact of the number type on the solution of multiplication and division problems : further investigations / Guershon Harel ... [et al.] -- Summary -- Multiple views of multiplicative structures / Thomas Kieren
Development of multiplicative reasoning in the learning of mathematics.
Multiplicative reasoning in the learning of mathematics