Cannibalism and the boundaries of identity / Kristen Guest -- Food for thought : Achilles and the Cyclops / Mark Buchan -- Cannibalism in Edmund Spenser's Faerie Queene, Ireland, and the Americas / Robert Viking O'Brien -- Robinson Crusoe Inc(orporates): domestic economy, incest, and the trope of cannibalism / Minaz Jooma -- Devouring the disinherited : familial cannibalism in Maturin's Melmoth the wanderer / Julia M. Wright -- Are you being served? cannibalism, class, and victorian melodrama / Kristen Guest -- From Caliban to Cronus, a critique of cannibalism as metaphor for Cuban revolutionary culture / Santiago Colás -- Cannibals at the core : juicy rumors and the Hollow earth chronotrope in Ian Wedde's Symmes Hole / Brian Greenspan -- Margaret Atwood's Wilderness tips : Apocalyptic cannibal fiction / Marlene Goldman -- The missed encounter, cannibalism and the literary critic / Geoffrey Sanborn