1. Aesthetic Reflection. System and Peeling. Sensation as Tautegory. The "Subjective" Aesthetic Temporality. The Heuristic. Anamnesis. Reflection and Category in The Theoretical and Practical Realms. Reflection and Category in the Territory of the Aesthetic -- 2. Comparison of the Sublime and Taste. Why an Analytic of the Sublime? The Beautiful and the Sublime Compared in the Quality and Quantity of Judgment. Animation. The Beautiful and the Sublime Compared in the Relation (Finality) and Modality of Judgment. Continuity and Discontinuity Between Beautiful and Sublime -- 3. Categorical Examination of the Sublime. Quantity and Magnitude. From Quantity to Modality Through Relation. Mathematical and Dynamical. Quality, Once Again -- 4. The Sublime as Mathematical Synthesis. "Comprehension" Is Measured. "Composition" Is Infinite. The Infinite Is Not "Comprehensible" as a Whole: Fear. The Infinite Is Thinkable as a Whole: Exaltation
5. The Sublime as Dynamical Synthesis. Attempt to Resolve the Differend Through Ethical Mediation. Attempt to Resolve the Differend Through a "Dialectic" Dynamical Synthesis of the Cause and the Conditioned. Necessity of the Synthesis of Sensations in Sublime Feeling. Heterogeneity of the Sensations of Time in the Sublime Synthesis -- 6. A Few Signs of Heterogeneity. Resistance. Negative Presentation. Enthusiasm. Simplicity -- 7. Aesthetics and Ethics in the Beautiful and the Sublime. Delight. The Beautiful, Symbol of the Good. The Analogy of the Beautiful with the Good as It Is Logically Argued. The Nerve of the Teleological Argument. "Facultary" Interest and Primacy of the Practical. The Family Story of the Sublime. Teleology in the Beautiful and the Sublime. The Sublime Sacrifice
8. The Communication of Taste. Demand for a Universal Communication. Demand for a Necessary Communication. Hesitation About the Demand. Localization of the Principle Behind the Demand. Solution to the Antinomy of Taste. Limit-ideas. The Supersensible Substrate. The Procedure of Communication -- 9. The Communication of Sublime Feeling. A Mediatized Communication. The Other Feeling. The Other Object. The Aesthetic Feeling Inspired by Moral Judgment
This volume presents a close reading of Kant's "Critique of Judgment" looking specifically at the complex paragraphs 23-29: "The Analytic of the Sublime."
Lessons on the analytic of the sublime.
Lessons on the analytic of the sublime.
Leçons sur l'Analytique du sublime.
Kant's critique of judgment
Kant, Immanuel,1724-1804., Kritik der Urteilskraft