Representation theory of finite groups and finite-dimensional algebras :
proceedings of the conference at the University of Bielefeld from May 15-17, 1991, and 7 survey articles on topics of representation theory /
edited by G.O. Michler, C.M. Ringel.
Boston :
Birkhäuser Verlag,
ix, 520 p. :
ill. ;
25 cm.
Progress in mathematics (Boston, Mass.) ;
v. 95
Sponsored by the German Research Council (DFG).
Includes bibliographical references.
Clifford-matrices / B. Fischer -- Research in representation theory at Mainz (1984-1990) / B. Huppert -- Computational aspects of representation theory / K. Lux, H. Pahlings -- Der Kenntnisstand in der konstruktiven Galoisschen Theorie / B.H. Matzat -- Contributions to modular representation theory of finite groups / G.O. Michler -- Recent advances in the representation theory of finite dimensional algebras / C.M. Ringel -- The isomorphism problem for integral group rings of finite groups / K.W. Roggenkamp -- Cohen-Macaulay and Gorenstein Artin algebras / M. Auslander, I. Reiten -- Classical invariants and the general linear group / J.A. Green -- Partial characters of [pi]-separable groups / M. Isaacs -- First cohomology groups for classical Lie algebras / J.C. Jantzen -- Endotrivial modules and the Auslander-Reiten quiver / C. Bessenrodt.
Some applications of representation theory / W. Plesken -- A construction of orders of finite global dimensions / A. Wiedemann -- Duality and forms in representation theory / W. Willems.
Tame curve singularities with large conductor / E. Dieterich -- Polynomial representations of finite general linear groups in non-describing characteristic / R. Dipper -- On Auslander-Reiten components for wild blocks / K. Erdmann -- On Gorenstein algebras / D. Happel -- Decomposition numbers of finite groups of Lie type in non-defining characteristic / G. Hiss -- Counting blocks of defect zero / R. Knörr -- Group-theoretical descriptions of ring-theoretical invariants of group algebras / B. Külshammer -- Darstellungstheoretische Methoden bei der Realisierung einfacher Gruppen vom Lie Typ als Galoisgruppen / G. Malle -- Some new developments and open questions in the character theory of finite groups / O. Mantz.