Preface -- Part I: Economic issues -- Drugs and politics -- The real revolutionaries -- India unbound -- Capital gains and "trickle down" -- No sense of proportion -- Headline news -- Warrior in a 200-year war -- The role of the rich -- Perennial economic fallacies -- Sweatshops at home and abroad -- Sanity in San Francisco -- The end of Montgomery Ward -- "Saving" social security -- Social security vs. privatization -- Minimum journalism -- Merit and money -- Part II: Racial issues -- Routine cruelty -- Losing the race -- Reparations for slavery? -- The lessons of Indonesia -- Blacks and bootstraps -- "Racism" in word and deed -- Sweeping success under the rug -- Sorting by race -- The magic word -- Race and the new century -- "Access" to responsibility -- Part III: Political issues -- Poverty and the left -- "Useful idiots" -- Facts versus dogma on guns -- Global hot air -- "Campaign finance reform" follies -- Ugliness in Yosemite -- State stealing -- Loving enemies -- Microsoft and campaign finance reform -- Lying statistics -- Are we still Americans? -- Pacifism and war -- Intended consequences -- Islam and the West -- Pandering to the anointed -- Green bigots versus human beings -- Another outrage -- The best of the century -- Part IV: Educational issues -- The wrong filter -- Too many Ph.D.s? -- "No excuses" -- Back door quotas -- We are all "dropouts" -- School to school? -- The war against boys -- "Research" marches on -- Let's hear it for unfairness! -- Does it add up? -- Diversity versus "diversity" -- Choosing a college -- A painful history -- "Forced to volunteer" -- Drugging children -- Goodbye to Sara and Benjamin? -- Success concealing failure -- The old neighborhood -- Wasting minds -- The "non-profit" halo -- Do facts matter? -- Part V: Legal issues -- Property rites -- Love those killers! -- Microsoft and anti-trust "law" -- Lessons not learned -- Law on trial -- Aborted knowledge -- Murder is murder -- McVeigh and the death penalty -- Part VI: Social issues -- Boomers and boomerangs -- Deep trouble from shallow people -- Thanksgiving and "fairness" -- Was the ball juiced? -- The dangers of "equality" -- Is the family becoming extinct? -- Life at the bottom -- Gay marriage -- The Einstein syndrome -- Loose lips -- "The duty to die" -- Shocked by the obvious -- Families and dictators -- The "autism" dragnet -- Racial profiling of authors -- Chandra Levy clues -- Barry and the babe -- Media fraud -- The insulation of the left -- W. Glenn Campbell (1924-2001) -- Part VII: Random thoughts.