unit I. NCLEX-RN exam preparation. The NCLEX-RN examination -- Preparation for the NCLEX-RN examination: transitional issues for foreign-educated nurses -- Pathways to success -- The NCLEX-RN examination: from a graduate's perspective -- Test-taking strategies -- unit II. Issues in nursing. Cultural diversity and health practices -- Ethical and legal issues -- Leadership, delegating, and prioritizing client care -- unit III. Nursing sciences. Fluids and electrolytes -- Acid-base balance -- Laboratory values -- Nutrition -- Parenteral nutrition -- Intravenous therapy -- Administration of blood products -- unit IV. Fundamental skills. Provision of a safe environment -- Administration of medication and intravenous solutions -- Cardiopulmonary resuscitation guidelines for health care providers -- Perioperative nursing care -- Positioning clients -- Care of a client with a tube -- unit V. Maternity nursing. Female reproductive system -- Obstetrical assessment -- Prenatal period -- Risk conditions related to pregnancy -- Labor and delivery -- Problems with labor and delivery -- Postpartum period -- Postpartum complications -- Care of the newborn -- Maternity and newborn medications -- unit VI. Growth and development across the life span. Theories of growth and development -- Developmental stages -- Health and physical assessment of the adult client -- Care of the older client -- unit VII. Pediatric nursing. Neurological, cognitive, and psychosocial disorders -- Eye, ear, and throat disorders -- Respiratory disorders -- Cardiovascular disorders -- Gastrointestinal disorders -- Metabolic and endocrine disorders -- Renal and urinary disorders -- Integumentary disorders -- Musculoskeletal disorders -- Hematological disorders -- Oncological disorders -- Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome -- Infectious and communicable diseases -- Pediatric medication administration and calculations -- unit VIII. The adult client with an integumentary disorder. Integumentary system -- Integumentary medications -- unit IX. The adult client with an oncological disorder. Oncological disorders -- Antineoplastic medications -- unit X. The adult client with an endocrine disorder. Endocrine system -- Endocrine medications -- unit XI. The adult client with a gastrointestinal disorder. Gastrointestinal system -- Gastrointestinal medications -- unit XII. The adult client with a respiratory disorder. Respiratory system -- Respiratory medications -- unit XIII. The adult client with a cardiovascular disorder. Cardiovascular disorders -- Cardiovascular medications -- unit XIV. The adult client with a renal system disorder. Renal system -- Renal medications -- unit XV. The adult client with an eye or ear disorder. The eye and the ear -- Ophthalmic and otic medications -- unit XVI. The adult client with a neurological disorder. Neurological system -- Neurological medications -- unit XVII. The adult client with a musculoskeletal disorder. Musculoskeletal system -- Musculoskeletal medications -- unit XVIII. The adult client with an immune disorder. Immune disorders -- Immunological medications -- unit XIX. The adult client with a mental health disorder -- Foundations of psychiatric mental health nursing -- Models of care -- Mental health disorders -- Addictions -- Crisis theory and intervention -- Psychiatric medications -- unit XX. Comprehensive test
There are several key features to this handbook. Each question includes the correct answer, a complete rationale for all responses, and a test-taking strategy to help develop techniques for locating the correct response. Each question includes a page reference to an Elsevier textbook to allow for further research and study. All alternate item format questions are included, with multiple response, prioritizing, fill-in-the-blank, figure/illustration, chart/exhibit, and audio questions to prepare for the wide variety of question types on the NCLEX-RN examination. Organization by nursing content area provides a logical, effective review to use throughout the nursing program. Pyramid Terms define key terms at the beginning of each major unit or chapter. Pyramid Points within each chapter highlight content that is important in preparing for the NCLEX-RN examination. Pyramid to Success sections provide an overview of major units or chapters and specific content related to the latest NCLEX-RN examination test plan. Pharmacology is emphasized with 13 pharmacology chapters, a medication and intravenous calculation chapter, and a pediatric medication calculation chapter to reflect this priority content on the NCLEX exam. Introductory chapters cover preparation for the NCLEX-RN exam, test-taking strategies, the NCLEX-RN exam from a student's perspective, and transitional issues for the foreign-educated nurse. A comprehensive exam consists of 265 questions that cover all content areas in the book and mirror the percentages identified in the NCLEX-RN examination test plan. A companion CD allows practice in quiz, study, or exam modes, with questions selected from content area, integrated process, category of client need, or alternate item-format type
Comprehensive review for the NCLEX-RN examination
National Council Licensure Examination for Registered Nurses, Study guides
Nurses-- Licenses-- United States-- Examinations, Study guides