Pyrotechnics and play -- A love affair with words -- Writers behaving playfully -- Lessons from a talking elf -- A developmental perspective -- Inventing words -- Puns -- Idioms/expressions -- Allusions -- Harnessing the supple power of sentences -- Reclaiming the play in language play -- Igniting pyrotechnics in the classroom -- The limits of labeling: a brief cautionary tale -- Parting shots -- Questions and answers -- Pyrotechnics craft lessons for young writers
""Writers in every field play with words each time they sit down at their desks. In his newest book, Ralph Fletcher demonstrates how playful craft can energize student writing and breathe new energy into the writing workshop." "Pyrotechnics on the Page is vintage Fletcher: personal, anecdotal, and practical. It represents the latest chapter in Ralph's efforts to widen the circle in the writing classroom, make it a more engaging place for student writers, and, in the process, lift the quality of their writing."--BOOK JACKET