Personality assessment research: applying criteria of confidence and helpfulness / David W. Barnett, Gregg M. Macmann, and Francis E. Lentz, Jr. -- Procedural issues associated with the behavioral assessment of children / Christopher H. Skinner, Jennifer T. Freeland, and Edward S. Shapiro -- The projective hypothesis and the development of projective techniques for children / Louis A. Chandler -- Projective storytelling techniques / James L. Dupree and Frances Prevatt -- Evaluation of projective drawings / Howard M. Knoff -- The sentence completion as a tool for assessing emotional disturbance / Ruth Adlof Haak -- Using the Rorschach with children and adolescents: the Exner comprehensive system / Jerry C. Allen and Jillayne Hollifield -- Use of the Holtzman Inkblot Technique with children / Wayne H. Holtzman and Jon D. Swartz -- Using the clinical interview to assess children's interpersonal reasoning and emotional understanding / Janet A. Welsh and Karen L. Bierman -- Structured diagnostic interviewing / Bryan R. Loney and Paul J. Frick -- Direct behavioral observation for classrooms / Anne Pierce Winsor -- Assessment of childhood depression / Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Laura Bennett, and Laura Guli -- The assessment of attention via continuous performance tests / Cynthia A. Riccio and Cecil R. Reynolds -- Assessment of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder / Shari Neul, Heather Applegate, and Ron Drabman -- Multisource and multidimensional object assessment of adjustment: the Personality Inventory for Children, second edition; Personality Inventory for Youth; and Student Behavior Survey / David Lachar and Christian P. Gruber -- The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory--Adolescent / Ellen W. Rowe -- The Behavior assessment system for children / Jennifer Thorpe, Randy W. Kamphaus, and Cecil R. Reynolds -- The Achenbach system of empirically based assessment / Thomas M. Achenbach and Stephanie H. McConaughy -- Assessing social competence in children and adolescents / Timothy A. Cavell, Barbara T. Meehan, and Samuel E. Fiala -- Adaptive behavior scales / Randy W. Kamphaus -- Assessing the family context / Cindy I. Carlson -- Issues in child custody evaluation and testimony / Patrice H. Butterfield -- Assessment of childhood anxiety / Kelly Robinson
Handbook of psychological & educational assessment of children