A glance at evolution through the genomic window / Eugene D. Sverdlov -- Complex genome comparisons: problems and approaches / Natalia E. Broude and Eugene D. Sverdlov -- A brief introduction to primate evolution / Hans Zischler, Christian Roos and Gerhard Hunsmann -- How different is the human genome from the genomes of the great apes? / Eugene V. Nadezhdin and Eugene D. Sverdlov -- Retroviruses, their domesticated relatives and other retroinvaders: potential genetic and epigenetic mediators of phenotypic variation / Eugene D. Sverdlov -- Genomic distributions of human retroelements / Dixie L. Mager, Louie N. van de Lagemaat and Patrik Medstrand --
Influence of human endogenous retroviruses on cellular gene expression / Christine Leib-Mösch, Wolfgang Seifarth and Ulrike Schön -- Genome-wide search for human specific retroelements / Yuri B. Lebedev -- Genome-wide analysis of human gene expression: application to the expression of human endogenous retroviruses / Tatyana V. Vinogradova -- Phylogeny of human endogenous and exogenous retroviruses / Aris Katzourakis and Michael Tristem -- Evolutionary aspects of human endogenous retroviral sequences (HERVs) and disease / Jonas Blomberg, Dmitrijs Ushameckis and Patric Jern