A note on the translation and the spelling of names -- Acknowledgments -- Timeline -- Glossary of offices and administrative terms -- Genealogy of the family of Justinian -- Genealogy of the family of Theodora -- Map of the eastern Mediterranean in the reign of Justinian -- Map of the environs of Constantinople in the reign of Justinian -- Map of Constantinople -- A guide to the main sources -- A guide to scholarship in English -- The secret history -- Related texts. A law for the marriage of Justinian and Theodora (Justin in Codex Iustinianus 5.4.23); The Nika riots (Wars 1.24); Theodora helps Monophysite saints (Yuhannan of Amida [John of Ephesos], Lives of the saints); The convent of repentance: a different view by Prokopios (Buildings 1.9.1-10); An attempt to curb corruption in the provinces (Justinian, Novella 8, preface); A contemporary philosopher's view of Justinian's tyranny (Simplikios, Commentary on Epiktetos 14.19-32); The downfall of Ioannes the Kappadokian (Wars 1.25 and 2.30.49-54); The Justinianic plague (Wars 2.22-23); Porphyrios the whale and other natural disasters (Wars 7.29.4-20); A plot to kill Justinian (Wars 7.31-32); Silkworms are smuggled into the Roman empire (Wars 8.17.1-8)
By exposing the perversion, repression, corruption, and injustice at the heart of Justinian's regime, Prokopios' The Secret History destroyed forever that emperor's reputation as the great and benevolent ruler of a vast Byzantine state. Faithfully rendered here in blunt and idiomatic English, Prokopios' tell-all is as shocking today as it was in the sixth century. Kaldellis' substantial Introduction addresses, among other topics, the historical background to The Secret History; Prokopios' literary style and major themes; and the relationships between Prokopios, Justinian, and Empress Theodora. Maps, genealogies, a glossary, and a selection of related texts enhance and support the reading
Secret history.
Byzantine Empire, History, Justinian I, 527-565, Early works to 1800