1984 (George Orwell): 1984 "Of Man's Last Disobedience: Zamiatin's We and Orwell's 1984" / Gorman Beauchamp, in Comparative Literature Studies (1973) -- The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Mark Twain): "Civil Disobedience and the Ending of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn" / Robert C. Evans -- Antigone (Sophocles): "Antigone's Unwritten Laws" / Victor Ehrenberg in Sophocles and Pericles (1954) -- The Plays of Aristophanes: "Aristophanes and His Contemporaries" / Alfred Maurice Croiset in Abridged History of Greek Literature (1904) -- "Bartleby, the Scrivener" (Herman Melville): "A Second Look at 'Bartleby'" / Egbert S. Oliver in College English (1945) -- Billy Budd (Herman Melville): "Billy Budd" / Milton R. Stern in The Fine Hammered Steel of Herman Melville (1957) -- Brave New World (Aldous Huxley): "State versus the Individual: Civil Disobedience in Brave New World" / Jake Pollerd -- "Civil Disobedience" (Henry David Thoreau): "Writing in the Dark" / Alfred Kazin in Henry David Thoreau: Studies and Commentaries (1972) -- Crime and Punishment (Fyodor Dostoevsky): "Crime and Punishment Draws the Line" / Claudia Verhoeven -- The Crucible (Arthur Miller): "Civil Disobedience in Arthur Miller's The Crucible" / Joshua E. Polster -- Fahrenheit 451 (Ray Bradbury): "'And the Leaves of the Tree Were for the Healing of the Nations': Reading and Civil Disobedience in Ray Bradbury's Fahrenheit 451" / Alina Gerall, Blake Hobby -- The Poetry of Langston Hughes: "Langston Hughes: Rhetoric and Protest" / Margaret A. Reid in The Langston Hughes Review (1984) -- Invisible Man (Ralph Ellison): "Where Is the Civil in the Invisible Man's Disobedience?" / Brian E. Butler -- Julius Caesar (William Shakespeare): "Julius Caesar" / Stopford A. Brooke in Ten More Plays of Shakespeare (1913) -- "Letter from a Birmingham Jail" (Martin Luther King, Jr.): "The American Dream Unfulfilled: Martin Luther King, Jr. and the 'Letter from Birmingham Jail'" / James A. Colaiaco in Phylon (1984) -- The Speeches of Malcolm X: "Rhetorical Resistance and the Conscience of the World: Civil Disobedience in the Speeches of Malcolm X" / John Becker -- Native Son (Richard Wright): "Richard Wright and Albert Camus: The Literature of Revolt" / Steven J. Rubin in International Fiction Review (1981) -- The Prince (Niccol? Machiavelli): "Civil Disobedience in The Prince" / Raymond Angelo Belliotti -- The Scarlet Letter (Nathaniel Hawthorne): "Civil Disobedience and Realpolitik in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter" / Robert C. Evans -- The Trial (Franz Kafka): "Franz Kafka's The Trial and Civil Disobedience" / Michael D. Sollars.
There are few subjects that causes more controversy in literature than civil disobedience and these are explore here in works by some of history's most storied authors.