Biochemical compounds -- Protein structure and function -- DNA structure, replication, and repair -- RNA synthesis -- Protein synthesis -- Regulation of gene expression -- Molecular medicine and techniques -- Energy metabolism overview -- Hormones and signaling mechanisms -- Glycolysis and gluconeogenesis -- TCA cycle and oxidative phosphorylation -- Glycogen metabolism -- Fatty acid metabolism -- HMP shunt and oxidative reactions -- Amino acid metabolism and the urea cycle -- Phospholipid metabolism -- Whole-body lipid metabolism -- Purine and pyrimidine metabolism -- Diabetes and metabolic syndrome -- Nutrition and vitamins -- Human genetics and cancer
The book covers frequently tested topics in biochemistry, including introductory human genetics,cancer biology, and molecular biology. The book is heavily illustrated with photos or pathway diagrams in the question or answer explanation.Approximately 400 board-style review questions covering frequently tested topics
Lippincott's illustrated Q and A review of biochemistry