What region to lead? Developments in East Asian regionalism and questions of regional leadership / Christopher M. Dent -- Japan's policy towards China: domestic structural change, globalization, history and nationalism / Christopher W. Hughes -- Sino-Japanese relations after Koizumi and the limits of 'new era' diplomacy / Caroline Rose -- Comparing summitry, financial and trade regionalisms in East Asia: from the Japanese perspective / Shintaro Hamanaka -- China's place in East Asia / Steve Tsang -- A regional partner or a threatening other? Chinese discourse of Japan's changing security role in East Asia / Rex Li -- Towards a Sino-centric regional order? Empowering China and constructing regional order(s) / Shaun Breslin -- Who's leading who in ASEAN-China relations? Community-building versus Pax Sinica in the management of regional security / Joern Dosch -- Leadership in global governance: Japan and China in the G8 and the United Nations / Hugo Dobson -- Contesting east Asian security leadership: China and the Shanghai cooperation organisation / Neil Renwick -- The United States and East Asia: the decline of long-distance leadership? / Mark Beeson -- A shrimp among the whales? Korea in the northeast and the East Asia regional system / Christoph Bluth and Christopher M. Dent -- Regional leadership in East Asia: towards new analytical approaches / Christopher M. Dent.