Includes bibliographical references (pages 371-386) and index.
1. The origins of racial science, antiquity-1800 -- Was there race in antiquity? -- The curse of Ham and medieval racial thought -- The age of exploration -- Natural philosophy and the colonial experience : the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries -- The science of anthropology -- The Atlantic slave system -- Enlightenment values and racial thought -- Conclusion -- Bibliographic essay -- 2. The establishment of racial typology, 1800-1859 -- The reign of monogenism : Prichard and Lawrence -- Steps toward polygenesis -- American polygenism : Morton, Nott, and Gliddon -- Polygenism in the land of Prichard -- Conclusion -- Bibliographic essay -- 3. Race and evolution, 1859-1900 -- Darwin's argument in On the origin of species -- Darwin and Wallace on natural selection and human origins -- Darwin on human evolution -- Physical anthropology and the persistence of polygenism -- Spencer and evolution -- Spencer on the savage mind -- Social Darwinism and its variants -- Social Darwinism in Germany -- Sociocultural evolutionism in Britain -- Bibliographic essay -- 4. The hardening of scientific racism, 1900-1945 -- The problem of heredity -- Francis Galton -- Hard heredity -- The rise of Nordicism -- Nordicism and civilization -- The supremacy of Nordics -- The rise of eugenics -- Eugenics and race in the United States -- German Rassenhygiene -- Bibliographic essay.
5. The retreat of scientific racism, 1890-1940 -- Boas and the culture concept -- Boasian anthropology and Black folklore -- Psychologists and the critique of IQ testing -- From race psychology to studies in prejudice -- Genetics and the critique of eugenics -- Bibliographic essay -- 6. The liberal orthodoxy, 1940-1960 -- The geneticists' manifesto -- Wartime antiracism : Benedict, Montagu, and Dunn and Dobzhansky -- Experts in prejudice -- An American dilemma -- The post-Myrdal liberal orthodoxy -- The damage argument -- The breakdown of the liberal orthodoxy -- The UNESCO statements on race -- Bibliographic essay -- 7. A multicultural science of race, 1965 to the present -- Movement scholarship -- The rejection of the pathology of Black culture -- Institutional racism and colonialism -- Genetics, new physical anthropology, and the abandonment of race -- Forward to the past : the psychometrician case for race differences -- Psychometrics, intelligence, and heritability -- Geneticists versus the psychometricians -- The psychometricians versus scholars of institutional racism -- Psychometric case for policy -- Bibliographic essay -- Chronology -- Glossary -- Documents.