Diagenesis of the Rotliegendes Sandstones in the V-fields, southern North Sea : a fluid inclusion study / B. NcNeil, H.F. Shaw, and A.H. Rankin -- The filling and emptying of the Ula Oilfield : fluid inclusion constraints / N.H. Oxtoby, A.W. Mitchell, and J.G. Gluyas -- Migration of hydrocarbons in the Tampen Spur area, Norwegian North Sea : a reservoir geochemical evaluation / I. Horstad, S.R. Larter and N. Mills -- Modelling density-driven mixing rates in petroleum reservoirs on geological timescales, with application to detection of barriers in the Forties Field (UKCS) / W.A. England ... [et al.] -- Petroleum geochemistry of the Eldfisk Field, Norwegian North Sea / D.P. Stoddart ... [et al.] -- The reservoir geochemistry and petroleum charging histories of Palaeogene-reservoired fields in the Outer Witch Ground Graben / P.C. Mason, R. Burwood and B. Mycke -- Sour gas and water chemistry of the Bridport Sands reservoir, Wytch Farm, UK / A.C. Aplin and M.L. Coleman
Reservoir geochemistry : methods, applications and opportunities / S.R. Larter and A.C. Aplin -- Geochemical constraints from formation water analyses from the North Sea and Gulf Coast Basins on quartz, feldspar and illite precipitation in reservoir rocks / K. Bjorlykke ... [et al.] -- Geochemical criteria for reservoir characterization / L. Anissimov -- Compositional heterogeneities in oilfield formation waters : identifying them, using them / P.C. Smalley ... [et al.] -- Characterization of high molecular weight hydrocarbons (>C₄₀) in oils and reservoir rocks / R.P. Bishop ... [et al.] -- Overview of the geochemistry of some tar mats from the North Sea and USA : implications for tar-mat origin / A. Wilhelms and S.R. Larter -- Fractionation of pyrrolic nitrogen compounds in petroleum during migration : derivation of migration-related geochemical parameters / M. Li ... [et al.]