Introduction: Labour standards promoting women workers' rights and gender equality. How to use this guide -- Gender equality in the ILO's mandate -- International labour conventions and recommendations -- Gender equality, a fundamental human right -- History of standard setting to promote women workers' rights and gender equality -- Sources of gender equality law: international labor standards, supranational law and national law -- Application and enforcement at the national level -- ILO standard setting and other means of action. Access to employment -- Accidents -- Advertising for workers -- Affirmative action -- Agricultural and other rural workers -- Atypical work -- Benzene -- Biological risks -- Bonded labour -- Breastfeeding workers -- Bullying -- Burden of proof -- Call centres -- Care work -- Career breaks -- Career opportunities -- Cash and medical benefits for maternity -- Casual work -- Chemicals -- Childcare and family services and facilities -- Child labour -- Clandestine work -- Collective bargaining -- Commercial sexual exploitation -- Computers -- Conditions and benefits of employment -- Contract compliance -- Cooperatives -- Cultural identity, respect for -- Decent work -- Declaration on fundamental principles and rights at work -- Dependent workers -- Disabilities, workers with -- Disciplinary action -- Discrimination -- Dismissal -- Diversity in the workplace -- Division of labour -- Domestic workers -- Early retirement -- Economic activity -- Economically active population -- Education -- Education -- Elder care -- Employability -- Employee -- Employer -- Employers' organizations -- Employment injury benefit -- Employment-intensive works programmes -- Employment policy and promotion -- Employment relationship -- Equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation -- Equal renumeration -- Equity -- Export processing zones -- Facilities and equipment -- Family benefit -- Family responsibilities, workers with -- Family
services and facilities -- Female-headed households -- Flexibility of labour -- Forced labour -- Freedom of association and the right to organize -- Fundamental principles and rights at work -- Gender -- Gender analysis and planning -- Gender and development -- Gender equality -- Gender equity -- Gender mainstreaming -- Girl child labourers -- Glass ceiling -- Globalization -- Grievance procedures -- Harassment and pressure -- Health during maternity -- Health insurance -- HIV/AIDS -- Home work -- Hours of work -- Housework -- Human resources development -- Hygiene in the workplace -- Illegal employment -- Illness in the family, leave for -- Indigenous and tribal peoples -- Indirect discrimination -- Informal economy -- Inherent/genuine requirements of the job -- Invalidity benefits -- Job description -- Job evaluation and classification -- Labour administration -- Labour force -- Labour inspection -- Labour market -- Labour statistics -- Lifelong learning -- Marital status -- Maritime labour -- Masculinities -- Maternity leave -- Maternity protection -- Migrant workers -- Millennium development goals -- Mines -- Minimum wage -- Mobbing -- Night work -- Non-standard work -- Non-traditional occupations -- Nursing personnel -- Occupational health services -- Occupational safety and health -- Occupational segregation -- Old-age benefit -- Older women workers -- Ombud's offices -- Own-account workers -- Paid educational leave -- Parental leave -- Part-time workers -- Paternity leave -- Pay equity -- Pensions -- Performance appraisal -- Plantation workers -- Positive measures -- Precarious work -- Public employment services and private employment agencies -- Public procurement policies -- Radiation protection -- Remedies and sanctions -- Remote working -- Representation and voice -- Retention of staff -- Rural workers -- Seasonal work -- Selection procedures -- Self-employed workers -- Sexual harrassment -- Sexual orientation -- Shift work -- Sick leave
Sickness insurance -- Small and medium-sized enterprises -- Social dialogue -- Social pacts -- Social protection -- Social security -- Stress -- Structural unemployment -- Survivor's benefit -- Teachers -- Teleworking -- Termination of employment -- Trade unions, gender equality in -- Trafficking in persons -- Tripartism -- Tripartite consultation -- Underemployment -- Underground work -- Unemployment -- Unemployment benefit -- Unpaid work -- Violence at work, gender-based -- Vocational guidance -- Vocational training -- White lead (painting) -- Women in development -- Women's empowerment -- Women's entrepreneurship -- Work-family balance -- Workers on temporary contracts -- Workers' organizations -- Working time -- Youth employment
"Arranged alphabetically by topic, it focuses primarily on States' and employers' obligations and workers' rights as regards equality between men and women, enshrined in the ILO's body of international labour standards (Conventions and recommendations). It also refers to other relevant develoments and trends in international law (for example, United Nations instruments), supranational law (for instance, European Community directives), and national legislation and practice" -- p.1
Women workers' rights and gender equality
Sex discrimination in employment-- Law and legislation