[Pt.] 1. Summary and conclusions. Purpose -- Analytical and legal framework -- Upgrading the EU in international relations -- The costs of non-Europe ... and the restructuring of European diplomacy -- The new diplomacy -- [part] 2. Why should the EU be strongly represented in the international arena? -- [part] 3. Legal basis in the Lisbon Treaty and international law -- [part] 4. Hybrid combinations of the EU and member states in international relations. Categories -- Guidelines for representation of the EU and member states -- Overview of the status quo and looking ahead -- [part] 5. Restructuring of European diplomatic services. Setting up the European External Action Service (EEAS) -- The costs of non-Europe and the restructuring of European diplomacy -- [part] 6. Status quo and perspectives for selected international organisations, conventions, agreements and summitry. UN General Assembly -- UN Security Council -- International Monetary Fund -- World Bank -- Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), IFAD and WFP -- International Labour Organization (ILO) -- UNCTAD -- UN Development Programme (UNDP) -- Development cooperation -- UN Environment Programme (UNEP) -- UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol -- World Health Organization (WHO) -- World Trade Organization (WTO) and World Customs Organization (WCO) -- International Maritime Organization (IMO) and related agreements -- Bank for International Settlements (BIS) and financial market regulation -- Other economic organisations and regulatory agencies -- International courts -- UNHCR (refugees), Human Rights Council, IOM (migration) -- Arms control : conventions and organisations -- [part] 6.2. European and Euro-Atlantic multilateral organisations. OECD and IEA -- Council of Europe, European Convention (and Court) for Human Rights -- OSCE -- European Economic Area (EEA) -- EBRD -- Energy Charter Treaty -- Energy Community Treaty (for South-East Europe -- NATO -- [part] 6.3. Semi-institutionalised summitry and diplomacy. G7/8/20 -- Bilateral summits (strategic partnership cases) -- European neighbourhood and other multilateral regional processes -- Conflict prevention/resolution -- Glossary -- Annexes -- Annex A. Overview of EU participation in the UN system -- Annex B. International organisations and conventions in which the EU participates fully by virtue of a Regional Economic Integration Organisation (REIO) or Regional Integration Organisation (RIO) clause -- Annex C. Overview of EU participation in International Maritime Organizations -- Annex D. Voting weights on the board of the IMF -- Annex E. Voting weights on the board of the World Bank, before and after 2010 reform -- Annex F. Constituencies on the boards of the IMF and World Bank -- Annex G. Shareholdings in the EBRD (capital subscribed in € mil.) -- Annex H. Constituencies on the board of the EBRD -- Annex I. Extracts from the Lisbon Treaty -- Annex J. The common visa application centre in Moldova -- Annex K. Statement by the E3+3 with the support of the EU high representative following the adoption, 9 June 2010, of UN Security Council Resolution 1929 on the Iranian nuclear programme -- Annex L. Draft Resolution A/64/L67 of the UN General Assembly participation of the European Union in the work of the UN -- Annex M. UN General Assembly voting on motion to adjourn the debate on participation of the EU in the UN, 13 September 2010 -- Annex N. Staffing in the foreign services of the EU and the MS -- Annex O. Budget expenditure on diplomacy of the EU and member states -- Annex P. Aid (ODA) expenditures of the EU and member states and administering departments
Diplomatic and consular service, European
International agencies-- European Union countries
European Union countries, Foreign relations
Emerson, Michael,1940-
Centre for European Policy Studies (Brussels, Belgium)