Jones and Bartlett's contemporary issues in physical therapy and rehabilitation medicine series
Includes bibliographical references and index
Statistics -- Screening -- Cervicothoracic region and temperomandibular joint (TMJ) -- Upper extremities -- Lumbopelvic region -- Lower extremities -- Case studies
Instructors, researchers, and practitioners of physical therapy and its constituent disciplines, Glynn and Weisbach (both Regis U., Denver) explain how clinical prediction rules, which have been used in medicine for decades, can be applied in physical therapy to facilitate evidence-based diagnostic, prognostic, and interventional decision making. The rules are algorithmic decision tools that use a parsimonious set of clinical findings from the history, physical examination, and diagnostic test results that have been analyzed and found to be statistically meaningful predictors of a condition or outcome of interest. The guide cover statistics, screening, the cervicothoracic region and temporomandibular joint, upper extremities, the lumbopelvic region, lower extremities, and case studies. Color photographs illustrate