PART I: RESUME WRITING, STRATEGY, AND FORMATS: Resume writing strategies for people returning to work -- Writing your resume -- Printed, scannable, electronic, and web resumes -- PART II: SAMPLE RESUMES FOR PEOPLE RETURNING TO WORK: Resumes for people returning to work after raising children -- Resumes for people returning to work after divorce, death of spouse, or financial reversal -- Resumes for people returning to work with extensive volunteer experience -- Resumes for people returning to work after serving as a caregiver -- Resumes for people returning to work after illness -- Resumes for people returning to work after incarceration -- Resumes for people returning to work after a sabbatical -- Resumes for people returning to work after relocating -- Resumes for people returning to work after retirement -- Resumes for people laid off, downsized, or otherwise out of work for more than six months -- Resumes for people returning to work after additional education -- Resumes for people returning to work after an entrepreneurial venture -- Appendix: Internet career resources