Acknowledgments -- Introduction -- Section 1: Getting To Know GIS -- 1: Introducing GIS -- 2: Introducing ArcGIS desktop -- Section 2: Getting Started With Maps and Data -- 3: Exploring ArcMap -- Exercise 3a: Displaying map data -- Exercise 3b: Navigating a map -- Exercise 3c: Looking at feature attributes -- 4: Exploring ArcCatalog -- Exercise 4a: Browsing map data -- Exercise 4b: Searching for map data -- Exercise 4c: Adding data to ArcMap -- Section 3: Displaying Data -- 5: Symbolizing features and rasters -- Exercise 5a: Changing symbology -- Exercise 5b: Symbolizing features by categorical attributes -- Exercise 5c: Using styles and creating layer files -- Exercise 5d: Symbolizing rasters -- 6: Classifying features and rasters -- Exercise 6a: Classifying features by standard methods -- Exercise 6b: Classifying features manually -- Exercise 6c: Mapping density -- Exercise 6d: Using graduated and chart symbols -- 7: Labeling features -- Exercise 7a: Using dynamic labels -- Exercise 7b: Setting rules for placing labels -- Exercise 7c: Using interactive labels and creating annotation -- Section 4: Getting Information About Features -- 8: Querying data -- Exercise 8a: Identifying, selecting, finding, and hyper linking features -- Exercise 8b: Selecting features by attribute -- Exercise 8c: Creating reports -- 9: Joining and relating tables -- Exercise 9a: Joining tables -- Exercise 9b: Relating tables -- Section 5: Analyzing Feature Relationships -- 10: Selecting features by location -- Exercise 10a: Using location queries -- Exercise 10b: Combining attribute and location queries -- 11: Preparing data for analysis -- Exercise 11a: Dissolving features -- Exercise 11b: Creating graphs -- Exercise 11c: Clipping layers -- Exercise 11d: Exporting data -- 12: Analyzing spatial data -- Exercise 12a: Buffering features -- Exercise 12b: Overlaying data -- Exercise 12c: Calculating attribute values -- 13: Projecting data in ArcMap -- Exercise 13a: Projecting data on the fly -- Exercise 13b: Defining a projection -- Section 6: Creating And Editing Data -- 14: Building geodatabases -- Exercise 14a: Creating a personal geodatabase -- Exercise 14b: Creating feature classes -- Exercise 14c: Adding fields and domains -- 15: Creating features -- Exercise 15a: Drawing features -- Exercise 15b: Using feature construction tools -- 16: Editing features and attributes -- Exercise 16a: Deleting and modifying features -- Exercise 16b: Splitting and merging features -- Exercise 16c: Editing feature attribute values -- 17: Geocoding addresses -- Exercise 17a: Creating an address locator -- Exercise 17b: Matching addresses -- Exercise 17c: Rematching addresses -- Section 7: Presenting Data -- 18: Making maps from templates -- Exercise 18a: Opening a map template -- Exercise 18b: Adding x,y data to a map -- Exercise 18c: Drawing graphics on a map -- 19: Making maps for presentation -- Exercise 19a: Laying out the page -- Exercise 19b: Adding a title -- Exercise 19c: Adding a north arrow, scale bar, and legend -- Exercise 19d: Adding final touches and setting print options -- Section 8: Modeling -- 20: Creating models -- Exercise 20a: Starting a model -- Exercise 20b: Building a model -- Exercise 20c: Enhancing a model -- Appendix A: Data license agreement -- Appendix B: Installing the data and software -- Index
From the Publisher: Getting to Know ArcGIS Desktop introduces principles of GIS as it teaches the mechanics of using ESRI's leading technology. Key concepts are combined with detailed illustrations and step-by-step exercises to acquaint readers with the building blocks of ArcGIS Desktop including ArcMap, for displaying and querying maps, ArcCatalog, for organizing geographic data, and Model builder, for diagramming and processing solutions to complex spatial analysis problems. Its broad scope, simple style, and practical orientation make this book an ideal classroom text and an excellent resource for those learning GIS on their own
System requirements: 2.0 GHz processing speed; 2 GB RAM, 2.4 GB hard-disk space, additional 157 MB hard-disk space required for exercise data; Microsoft Windows7/Vista/XP/2003 Server/2008 Service operating system; .NET Framework, Internet Explorer version 8.0