Topgrading will make your company more successful -- Topgrading basics -- All about A players -- 12 Topgrading steps to hiring 90% high performers. Hiring step #1 : measure your baseline success hiring and promoting people and your costs of mis-hires ; Hiring step #2 : create a clear job scorecard (not a vague job description) ; Hiring step #3 : recruit from your networks ; Hiring step #4 : screen candidates with the Topgrading career history form and Topgrading snapshot ; Hiring step #5 : conduct telephone screening interviews ; Hiring step #6 : conduct competency interviews ; Hiring step #7 : conduct tandem Topgrading interviews ; Hiring step #8 : interviewers give each other feedback ; Hiring step #9 : write a (draft) executive summary ; Hiring step #10 : conduct candidate-arranged reference calls ; Hiring step #11 : coach your newly hired A player ; Hiring step #12 : annually measure your Topgrading success -- Advanced interviewing techniques --Topgrading innovations : case studies -- The art of Topgrading -- Appendix A. Sample job scorecard -- Appendix B. Topgrading snapshots -- Appendix C. Topgrading vision -- Appendix D. Topgrading cost of mis-hires form -- Appendix E. Starter Topgrading interview guide -- Appendix F. Short case studies -- Appendix G. Sample executive summary and individual development plan -- Appendix H. Topgrading resources
Describes how to use the Topgrading system to boost hiring success rates to find the highest performing prospective employees, helping to solve the problems of résumé dishonesty, shallow interviews, and biased references