Background and history. Current energy sources -- Projected outlook for worldwide energy demand and consumption -- Renewable and alternative energy technologies -- Alternative energy -- Problems, controversies, and solutions. Problems -- Controversies: Viability of renewable and alternative energy technologies, Nuclear power, Energy conservation, Oil topping point, Global warming, Economic and political problems -- Solutions: Broad advantages of renewable and alternative energy, Technical solutions, Policy solutions -- Global perspectives -- Worldwide perspective. Europe -- Asia and Oceania -- Africa and the Middle East -- North America -- South America -- Chronology -- Biographical sketches. William Grylls Adams -- Svante Arrhenius -- Jacques-Arsène d'Arsonval -- Alexandre-Edmond Becquerel -- Elliott Berman -- Homi Jehangir Bhabha -- Frank Bridgers -- Gro Harlem Brundtland -- Jimmy Carter -- Georges Claude -- Arthur Compton -- Georges Jean Marie Darrieus -- Rudolph Diesel -- Thomas Alva Edison -- John Ericsson -- Michael Faraday -- Enrico Fermi -- Benoit Fourneyron -- Charles Fritts -- Arnold J. Goldman -- Albert A. Gore, Jr. -- William R. Grove -- Subhendu Guha -- John Burden Sanderson Haldane -- James E. Hansen -- William Heronemus -- M. King Hubbert -- Jeremy Leggett -- Amory Bloch Lovins -- Auguste Mouchout -- Willie Nelson -- Roger Revelle -- Frank Shuman -- Lyman Spitzer, Jr. -- Robert Stirling -- Alexander T.B. Stuart -- Hans Eduard Suess -- Leo Szilard -- Tom Udall -- Data and documents. Worldwide data -- U.S. data -- Environmental impacts -- Directory of organizations. Nongovernmental organizations -- Research institutes -- Associations -- U.S. government agencies -- International agencies -- Resources
Provides an overview of renewable and alternative energy technologies and policies in the United States and around the world