Living with natural hazards in the Asia-Pacific region -- The special vulnerability of Asia-Pacific islands to natural hazards -- Flood generation during the SW monsoon season in northern Thailand -- Marine inundation hazards in French Polynesia: geomorphic impacts of Tropical Cyclone Oli in February 2010 -- Records of submarine natural hazards off SW Taiwan -- Bedding structures in Indian tsunami deposits that provide clues to the dynamics of tsunami inundation -- Tsunami hazard related to a flank collapse of Anak Krakatau Volcano, Sunda Strait, Indonesia -- An examination of hazard communication logs and public response during the 1946 and 1960 tsunamis that impacted Hilo, Hawaii -- Towards better design and management of tsunami evacuation routes: a case study of Ao Jak Beach Road -- GIS-based techniques for assessing the vulnerability of buildings to tsunami: current approaches and future steps -- Impacts, recovery and resilience of Thai tourist coasts to the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami -- Earthquake catastrophe models in disaster response planning, risk mitigation and financing in developing countries in Asia -- Geological hazards of SW Natib Volcano, site of the Bataan Nuclear Power Plant, the Philippines -- Influence of the institutional and socio-economic context for responding to disasters: case study of the 1994 and 2006 eruptions of the Merapi Volcano, Indonesia -- Exploratory spatial analysis of typhoon characteristics in the North Pacific basin -- Geovisualization of tropical cyclone behaviour in the South Pacific -- The value of a Pacific-wide tsunami database to risk reduction: putting theory into practice
Even a cursory glance at any map of the Asia-Pacific region makes a striking impression: in addition to the large continental landmass the region encompasses a truly vast expanse of ocean, dispersed over which are thousands of islands. Many might say that it could not be a worse time to live in this region. In the past few years we have experienced not only a number of devastating tsunamis (Indonesia, Solomon Islands, Samoa, Japan), but should not forget either the seemingly endless list of other natural hazards such as tropical cyclones and typhoons, volcanic eruptions, river floods and wildfires, amongst numerous others. This Special Publication represents an important collection of both conceptual and first-hand field investigations across the Asia-Pacific region. By highlighting some of the recent advances and emerging ideas in natural hazards research, the volume draws together these disparate lines of evidence into a clear regional focus