editors, Berthold Koletzko, Sibylle Koletzko, Frank Rümmele.
Vevey, Switzerland :
Nestlé Nutrition Institute,
Nestlé Nutrition Institute workshop series, pediatric program,
v. 66
1661-6677 ;
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Innovations in infant milk feeding : from the past to the future / Koletzko, B. -- Novel insights into human lactation as a driver of infant formula development / Lønnerdal, B. -- The clinical challenge of preventing and treating malnutrition / Cooper, P.A. -- Progress of enteral feeding practice over time : moving from energy supply to patient-and disease-adapted formulationse / Koletzko, S. -- Molecular mechanisms of pediatric nutrition / Rümmele, F. -- Epidemiological research drives a paradigm shift in complementary feeding : the celiac disease story and lessons learnt / Nordyke, K. ... [et al.] -- Technological progress as a driver of innovation in infant foods / Ferruzzi, M.G.; Neilson, A.P. -- Health economic perspectives of pediatric malnutrition : determinants of innovative progress / Spieldenner, J. -- Economic perspectives on pediatric obesity : impact on health care expenditures and cost-effectiveness of preventive interventions / John, J. --
Sustainable clinical research, health economic aspects, and marketing : drivers of product innovation / Haschke, F.; Klassen-Wigger, P. -- Evaluation of dietetic product innovations : the relative role of preclinical and clinical studies / Makrides, M.; Gibson, R.A. -- Regulatory environment and claims : limits and opportunities / Martin, A. -- The role of consumers / Raats, M.M. -- Bioethics and innovation in pediatric nutrition research / Solomons, N.W. -- The role of pediatricians as innovators in pediatric nutrition / Greer, F.R. -- Promoting innovation in pediatric nutrition / Bier, D.M.