Final report of the Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission; chairman: Hans Blix.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
Reviving disarmament -- Weapons of terror: threats and responses -- Nuclear weapons -- Biological and toxin weapons -- Chemical weapons -- Delivery means, missile defences, and weapons in space -- Export controls, international assistance, and non-governmental actors -- Compliance, verification, enforcement and the role of the United Nations -- Annexes: 1. WMDC recommendations -- 2. Work of the commission.
Nuclear, biological and chemical arms are the most inhumane of all weapons. They are rightly called weapons of mass destruction and weapons of terror. Designed to terrify as well as destroy, these weapons can, in the hands of either states or terrorists, cause destruction on a vastly greater scale than any conventional weapons. They have the potential to kill thousands and thousands of people in a single attack, and their effects may persist in the environment and in our bodies, in some cases indefinitely. So long as any state has such weapons -- especially nuclear arms -- others will want them. So long as any such weapons remain in any state's arsenal, there is a risk that they will one day be used, by design or accident. Any such use would be catastrophic. In this report, the independent Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission, chaired by Dr. Hans Blix, confronts this global challenge and presents 60 recommendations on what the world community -- national governments and civil society -- can and should do.
Biological arms control.
Chemical arms control.
Nuclear arms control.
Weapons of mass destruction.
Blix, Hans.
Weapons of Mass Destruction Commission (Stockholm, Sweden)