Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
Paris :
OECD Publishing,
1 online resource (296 p. :
ill. ;
Executive summary -- Reform beyond the crisis -- Opening markets to competition -- Advancing pension and labour-market reforms -- Making fundamental tax reform happen -- Making reform happen in environmental policy -- Making reform happen in education -- Effective ways to realise policy reforms in health systems -- Modernising government -- Enabling regulatory reform -- Achieving and sustaining fiscal consolidation.
OECD countries have made significant reform progress in recent decades, in fields as diverse as competition policy, health care and the environment. How have they done it? And why have reforms advanced in some places and stalled in others? This collection of essays analyses the reform experiences of the 30 OECD countries in nine major policy domains in order to identify lessons, pitfalls and strategies that may help foster policy reform in the future. While taking full account of the tremendous differences in the political and institutional settings in which these reforms were undertaken, the authors highlight a number of common challenges and potential solutions that hold good across both countries and issue areas. They show that the scope for cross-national policy learning is enormous. The importance of such reform lessons is all the greater in the wake of the global financial and economic crisis. As OECD governments confront the challenge of trying to restore public finances to health without undermining the recovery, they will need to pursue a careful mix of fiscal policies and growth-enhancing structural reforms. Designing, adopting and implementing such a policy mix will require the crafting of effective reforms and effective strategies for implementing them.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.