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The limits of continuity : discreteness in cognitive semantics / Ronald Langacker -- Continuity and modality / Antoine Culioli -- Continuum in cognition and continuum in language / Hans-Jakob Seiler -- Is there continuity in syntax? / Pierre Le Goffic -- The use of computer corpora in the textual demonstrability of gradience in linguistic categories / Geoffrey Leech, Brian Francis & Xunfeng Xu -- A "continuous definition" of polysemous items / Jacqueline Picoche -- The challenges of continuity for a linguistic approach to semantics / Catherine Fuchs -- What kind of models do we need for the simulation of understanding? / Daniel Kayser -- Continuity, cognition, and linguistics / Jean-Michel Salanskis -- Reflections on Hansjakob Seiler's continuum / René Thom -- Attractor syntax / Jean Petitot -- A discrete approach based on logic simulating continuity in lexical semantics / Violaine Prince -- Coarse coding and the lexicon / Catherine L. Harris -- Continuity, polysemy, and representation : understanding the verb "cut" / David Touretzky -- The use of continuity in modelling semantic phenomena / Bernard Victorri.