SFR-Not just Science fiction research any more / Lois McMaster Bujold -- Second shift / Brenda Cooper -- Gateway night / NIna Kiriki Hoffman -- The women who ate stone squid / Jay Lake -- Wanted / Anita Ensal -- An offer you couldn't refuse / Sylva Kelso with Lillian Stewart Carl -- In the night / Steven H. Silver -- F isn't for freefall / Donald J. Bingle -- If this were a romance / Shannon Page and Jay Lake -- The business of love / Kelly Swails -- Music in time / Dean Wesley Smith -- Dance of life / Jody Lynn Nye -- Old time's sake / Tim Waggoner -- Drinking games / -- /
This original collection of thirteen galactic romances, which explore the many directions relationships can take when set in unique environments, features contributions from such authors as Brenda Cooper, Jay Lake, Jody Lynn Nye, and Donald J. Bingle.
Love and rockets
Human-alien encounters, Fiction.
Short stories, American.
Greenberg, Martin Harry.
Hughes, Kerrie.
Copyright Paperback Collection (Library of Congress)