Fantastic flavors -- Tomatoes and tomato bruschetta -- Tomato soup -- Corn and pasta salad -- Corn fritters -- Potatoes and potato wedges -- Potato soufflés -- Rice and arancini -- Paella -- Bananas and banana bites -- Banana butterfly cakes -- Strawberries and strawberry layers -- Strawberry cheesecakes -- Apples and baked apples -- Apple meringue tarts -- Apple and chicken curry -- Honey and salmon skewers -- Honey cakes -- Chocolate and chocolate truffles -- Dark and white chocolate cakes -- Yogurt and fruit brûlée -- Chicken pitas with yogurt and mint dressing.
Gives healthful, fun, easy-to-follow recipes featuring 10 ingredients that kids love--tomatoes, corn, rice, potatoes, bananas, strawberries, apples, honey, chocolate, and yogurt. Learn how to make honey cakes, baked apples, strawberry cheesecake, tomato soup, and many more tasty, child-friendly recipes.