At a Glance; Contents; About the Author; About the Technical Reviewer; Introduction; Chapter 1: Getting Started with Appium; 1-1. Install Appium via NPM; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-2. Run Appium via a GUI App; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 1-3. Understand Capabilities in Appium; Problem; Solution; Capabilities via a GUI App; Capabilities via a Terminal; Capabilities via Code; How It Works; Chapter 2: Finding Mobile Elements; 2-1. Traverse with Appium Inspector; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 2-2. Explore UI Automator Viewer; Problem; Solution; How It Works
2-3. Find Elements by Their Accessibility IDProblem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; 2-4. Find Elements Using iOSUIAutomation; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 2-5. Find Elements Using AndroidUIAutomator; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 2-6. Inspect iOS Mobile Web Elements; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 2-7. Inspect Android Mobile Web Elements; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Chapter 3: Automating Different Apps; 3-1. Native Apps; Problem; Solution; Android App: ApiDemos-debug; iOS App: TestApp; How It Works; 3-2. Mobile Web Apps; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works
3-3. Hybrid AppsProblem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; 3-4. Real Devices; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; Chapter 4: Automating Mobility; 4-1. Tap Mobile Elements; Problem; Solution; Android; How It Works; 4-2. Drag and Drop Elements; Problem; Solution; Android; How It Works; 4-3. Swipe and Scroll; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; 4-4. Manage Device Orientation; Problem; Solution; Android; How It Works; 4-5. Install and Uninstall Native Apps; Problem; Solution; Android; How It Works; 4-6. Lock and Unlock Devices; Problem; Solution; Android; How It Works
4-7. Manage Device Network SettingsProblem; Solution; Android; How It Works; Chapter 5: Creating Automation Frameworks Using Appium; 5-1. Create an Automation Framework with Appium, Maven, and TestNG; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 5-2. Create a BDD Framework with Appium, Cucumber, and the Page Object Model; Problem; Solution; How It Works; 5-3. Conduct Continuous Automated Testing with Appium, Git, and Jenkins; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Chapter 6: Integrating Appium with Selenium Grid; 6-1. Appium with Selenium Grid for Native App Automation; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS
How It Works6-2. Appium with Selenium Grid for Mobile Web Automation; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; 6-3. Appium with Selenium Grid for Two Android Sessions on the Same Machine; Problem; Solution; How It Works; Chapter 7: Executing Appium with Cloud Test Labs; 7-1. Appium on the Sauce Labs Cloud; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; 7-2. Appium on the Testdroid Cloud; Problem; Solution; Android; iOS; How It Works; Index
This brief book focuses on using Appium for automation on both Android and iOS platforms. Learn how Appium is implemented in Java and integrated with tools such as TestNG, Cucumber, Maven, Jenkins and Selenium Grid to create test automation frameworks. With these frameworks, you can test Mobile Apps on simulators or real devices and create CICD pipelines. Appium Recipes illustrates test automation framework and Cloud Test Lab scenarios that will empower you to take full advantage of Appium's critical features to achieve continuous integration and deployments in your live projects. Readers will also learn about mobile-specific actions such as Swipe, Scroll, and Tap, and mobile-specific locators such as iOSUIAutomator