At a Glance; Contents; About the Authors; About the Technical Reviewer; Introduction; Chapter 1: Becoming a Great iOS Developer; 1.1 Thinking Like a Developer; Completing the Development Cycle; Introducing Object-Oriented Programming; Working with the Playground Interface; Summary; What's Next; Exercises; Chapter 2: Programming Basics; Touring Xcode; Exploring the Workspace Window; Navigating Your Workspace; Editing Your Project Files; Creating Your First Swift Playground Program; Installing and Launching Xcode 8; Using Xcode 8; Xcode Playground IDE: Editor and Results Areas
Chapter 6: Learning Swift and XcodeA Newcomer; Understanding the Language Symbols; Implementing Objects in Swift; Writing Another Program in Xcode; Creating the Project; Summary; Chapter 7: Swift Classes, Objects, and Methods; Creating a Swift Class; Instance Variables; Methods; Using Type methods; Using Instance Methods; Using Your New Class; Creating Your Project; Adding Objects; Writing the Class; Creating the User Interface; Hooking Up the Code; Running the Program; Taking Type methods to the Next Level; Accessing the Xcode Documentation; Summary
Chapter 8: Programming Basics in SwiftUsing let vs. var; Understanding Collections; Using Arrays; Using the Dictionary Class; Creating the BookStore Application; Creating Your Class; Introducing Properties; Accessing Properties; Finishing the BookStore Program; Creating the View; Adding Properties; Adding a Description; Creating a Simple Data Model Class; Modifying MasterViewController; Modifying the DetailViewController; Summary; Chapter 9: Comparing Data; Revisiting Boolean Logic; Using Relational Operators; Comparing Numbers; Creating an Example Xcode App
Count-Controlled LoopsCondition-Controlled Loops; Infinite Loops; Coding the Example App in Swift; Nested if Statements and else if Statements; Removing Extra Characters; Improving the Code Through Refactoring; Running the App; Design Requirements; Summary; Chapter 5: Object-Oriented Programming with Swift; The Object; What Is a Class?; Planning Classes; Planning Properties; Planning Methods; Implementing the Classes; Inheritance; Why Use OOP?; OOP Is Everywhere; Eliminate Redundant Code; Ease of Debugging; Ease of Replacement; Advanced Topics; Interface; Polymorphism; Summary
Chapter 3: It's All About the Data; Numbering Systems Used in Programming; Bits; Moore's Law; Bytes; 3.1.3 Hexadecimal; Unicode; Data Types; Declaring Constants and Variables; Optionals; Using Variables in Playgrounds; Summary; Chapter 4: Making Decisions, Program Flow, and App Design; Boolean Logic; Truth Tables; Comparison Operators; Designing Apps; Pseudocode; Optionals and Forced Unwrapping; Optional Binding; Implicitly Unwrapped Optionals; Flowcharting; Designing and Flowcharting an Example App; The App's Design; Using Loops to Repeat Program Statements