Neglected tropical diseases and conditions of the nervous system /
edited by Marina Bentivoglio, Esper A. Cavalheiro, Krister Kristensson, Nilesh Patel
1 online resource (400 pages) :
Overview on neglected and tropical diseases -- Travel, migration and neglected tropical diseases -- Stigma in neurological diseases at the Tropics -- Nematode infections: Neurological involvement and neurobiology -- Amoebiasis: Neurological involvement and neurobiology -- Neuroschistosomiasis -- Neurocysticercosis -- Neurocysticercosis: Neurology and neurobiology -- Onchocerciasis: Neurological involvement -- Human African trypanosomiasis: Neurobiology -- Chagas' disease: Neurology and neurobiology -- Neurodegeneration in leprosy: Insights from model systems and patients -- Rabies: Neurology -- Rabies: Neurobiology -- Japanese encephalitis and other arbovirus infections: Neurology and neurobiology -- Khat addiction: Neurology -- Khat addiction: Neurobiology -- Konzo: neurology of a permanent and non-progressive motor neuron -- Food preservation, snake venoms and stroke in the Tropics -- Infectious causes of epilepsy? -- Cognitive impairment and behavioural disturbances following malaria or HIV infection in childhood
A number of diseases and conditions that occur primarily in remote rural or poor urban areas of low-income countries have traditionally been neglected by the neuroscience research community. These diseases and conditions affect the nervous system directly (sometimes with lethal consequences) and/or are associated with severe neurological sequels such as epilepsy, cognitive deficits, and sleep disruption. Several diseases also have the effect of promoting poverty by leaving sufferers unable to lead economically productive lives due to cognitive and behavioral disturbances or severe stigmatization. The pathogenesis of neural dysfunction in the diseases addressed in this book and their sequels remains unclear. Neuroscience of Neglected Diseases and Conditions makes available much needed information about how these diseases affect the human nervous system as well as to promote interest in further research. Further research into neglected diseases and conditions will uncover information that sheds light on more general topics of interest to the neuroscience research community
Neglected tropical diseases and conditions of the nervous system