Technology Transfer in a Global Economy; Acknowledgement; Contents; Contributors; Chapter 1: Introduction: Technology Transfer in the Global Economy; 1 Introduction; Part I: Role of Universities Within the Knowledge Transfer Process; Chapter 2: Forget R&D -- Pay My Coach: Young Innovative Companies and Their Relations with Universities; 1 Introduction; 2 How Much and Why Do YICs Interact with Universities?; 2.1 University-Industry Links: YICs Versus Other Firms; 2.2 YICs' Characteristics and Their In fl uence on Interaction with Universities
2.3 Education and Motivations of YIC Founders as Drivers of Interactions with Universities3 Research Context; 4 Data and Methodology; 4.1 Dependent Variable; 4.2 Independent Variables; 5 Econometric Results; 5.1 The Distinctive Insigni fi cant Effect of YIC Firm Size on Contracting with a University; 5.2 How Do Entrepreneur's Education and Motivations Reduce the Signi fi cance of R&D in Relation to Contracting with a University; 6 Conclusions; References; Chapter 3: The Role of Research Orientation for Attracting Competitive Research Funding*; 1 Introduction; 2 Data and Empirical Framework
3 Econometric Analysis and Results4 Conclusions; 5 Appendix; References; Chapter 4: The Cooperative Strategy of Technology Transfer Of fi ces: A Longitudinal Study; 1 Introduction; 2 Review of the Literature; 2.1 Objectives and Measure of Performance; 2.2 Financial Resources; 2.3 Scienti fi c and Technological Resources; 2.4 Organizational Structure; 2.5 The Development of Capabilities; 2.6 Incentives; 2.7 Institutional Context; 3 The Cooperative Strategy of TTOs; 4 Methodology and Presentation of the Case Study; 4.1 Methodology: A Longitudinal Study; 4.2 Presentation of the Case Study
4.2.1 The TTO of the University of Strasbourg4.2.2 The French Context; 5 The Case of the University of Strasbourg; 5.1 The Development of the TTO and the Adoption of Best Practices: 1987 to 2005; 5.2 The Dismantling of the TTO: 2005; 5.3 The TTO as an Actor of a Regional System of Innovation: 2005 to 2011; 5.3.1 The Pooling of Technology Transfer Of fi ces; 5.3.2 The Coordination of Actors at the Regional Level; 6 A Cooperative Strategy Based on a Knowledge Hub Vision; 7 Conclusion; References
Chapter 5: Academic Entrepreneurship in a Resource-Constrained Environment: Diversi fi cation and Synergistic Effects1 Introduction; 2 A Theoretical Context; 2.1 Resources and Academic Entrepreneurship; 2.2 The 'Plural Activity' of Academic Entrepreneurs and Synergistic Effects; 3 Context; 4 Methodology; 5 Findings; 5.1 Academic Entrepreneurial Engagement in a Resource-Constrained Environment; 5.1.1 Teaching-Related Entrepreneurial Activities; 5.1.2 Research-Related Entrepreneurial Activities; 5.2 'Plural Activity' and Synergistic Effects; 5.2.1 Synergistic Effect: Social Networks
Technology transfer-the process of sharing and disseminating knowledge, skills, scientific discoveries, production methods, and other innovations among universities, government agencies, private firms, and other institutions-is one of the major challenges of societies operating in the global economy. This volume offers state-of-the-art insights on the dynamics of technology transfer, emerging from the annual meeting of the Technology Transfer Society in 2011 in Augsburg, Germany
Technology Transfer in a Global Economy
OhioLINK electronic book center (Online)
Technology transfer, Congresses
Audretsch, David B
Ohio Library and Information Network
Technology Transfer Society., Conference(2011 :, Augsburg, Germany)