Includes bibliographical references (p. 367-409) and indexes
Contents note continued: ch. 14 Treating Women Offenders -- Women's unique criminogenic pathways and needs -- Theoretical foundations to the gender-responsive perspective -- Translating the gender-responsive perspective into practice -- Conclusion -- pt. 6 Putting it All Together in Correctional Policy and at the Desk -- ch. 15 Correctional Treatment: Accomplishments and Realities -- Accomplishments -- What does not work -- The realities of correctional treatment -- ch. 16 Case Planning and Case Management -- Guidelines for case planning -- A case study -- Conclusion
Contents note continued: ch. 4 Radical Behavioral Interventions -- Classical conditioning -- Operant conditioning -- Decreasing problematic behaviors -- Radical behavioral approaches to early intervention and offender therapy -- The stability of newly acquired or decelerated behaviors -- Applications to correctional practitioners -- Conclusion -- ch. 5 Early Approaches to Group and Milieu Therapy -- Person-centered therapy -- Transactional analysis -- Milieu therapy -- Guided group interaction -- Reality therapy -- Conclusion -- pt. 3 Offender Assessment, Diagnosis, and Classification -- ch. 6 Diagnosis and Assessment of Criminal Offenders -- Introduction -- The role of the correctional staff -- The DSM-IV-TR -- Suicide -- Techniques of assessment and diagnosis -- Legal issues and mental health assessment -- Conclusion -- ch. 7 An Overview of Offender Classification Systems -- Purposes and principles of effective classification -- The risk principle -- The needs principle --
Contents note continued: Family therapy and criminal justice applications -- Domestic violence -- Substance abuse -- When a family member is incarcerated -- Conclusion -- pt. 5 Effective Correctional Interventions for Special Populations -- ch. 11 Treating Sexual Offenders -- A challenging population to treat -- The role of assessment -- Treatment approaches -- Recent trends in research and assessment -- Effectiveness of treatment programs -- Conclusion -- ch. 12 Treating Substance Abuse in Offender Populations -- Models of substance abuse -- Therapeutic modalities -- Drug courts -- The importance of support groups -- Pharmacological approaches -- Responsivity considerations -- Continuity of care -- Effectiveness of substance abuse interventions -- Conclusion -- ch. 13 Treating Severely Antisocial Offenders -- Diagnosis and assessment -- Co-occurring disorders -- Development of severe antisociality -- Treatment approaches -- Effectiveness of treatments -- Conclusion --
Contents note continued: The responsivity principle -- Other purposes -- Types of commonly used classification systems -- Assessing responsivity -- Future directions in correctional classification -- Conclusion -- pt. 4 Contemporary Approaches to Correctional Counseling and Treatment -- ch. 8 Social Learning Models -- Who makes a good role model? -- The process of observational learning -- Social learning interventions in corrections and prevention -- Conclusion -- ch. 9 Cognitive Therapies -- Cognitive restructuring approaches -- Cognitive skills approaches -- Cognitive-behavioral programs for women offenders -- Cognitive-behavioral programs and their effectiveness---much depends on program integrity -- Conclusion -- ch. 10 Family Therapy -- History and overview of family therapy -- Psychodynamic family therapy -- Communications family therapy -- Structural family therapy -- Behavioral and social learning models -- Multisystemic treatment --
Machine generated contents note: pt. 1 A Professional Framework for Correctional Counseling -- ch. 1 The Process of Correctional Counseling and Treatment -- Goals of offender counseling and treatment -- The counseling process -- Types of correctional counseling -- Effectiveness of offender counseling and treatment -- Conclusion -- ch. 2 Understanding the Special Challenges Faced by the Correctional Counselor in the Prison Setting -- Preliminary considerations -- Principles and techniques -- Resistance to treatment -- Ethical dilemmas -- Boundaries of competence and maintaining expertise -- Contextual demands -- Final considerations -- pt. 2 Historical Foundations of Correctional Counseling and Treatment -- ch. 3 Psychoanalytic Therapy -- Psychoanalytic/psychodynamic theory -- Psychoanalytic therapy -- Psychoanalytic approaches to crime -- Aggressive delinquents -- The sources -- Implications for treatment -- Psychoanalysis for criminals -- Conclusion --