A brief history of acute burn care management -- Teamwork for total burn care: Burn centers and multidisciplinary burn teams -- Epidemiological, demographic, and outcome characteristics of burn injury -- Prevention of burn injuries -- Burn management in disasters and humanitarian crises -- Care of outpatient burns -- Pre-hospital management, transportation and emergency care -- Pathophysiology of burn shock and burn edema -- Fluid resuscitation and early management -- Evaluation of the burn wound: Management decisions -- Enzymatic debridement of burn wounds -- Treatment of infection in burns -- Operative wound management -- Anesthesia for burned patients -- The skin bank -- Alternative wound coverings -- The role of alternative wound substitutes in major burn wounds and burn scar resurfacing -- The pathophysiology of inhalation injury -- Diagnosis and treatment of inhalation injury -- Respiratory care -- The systemic inflammatory response syndrome -- The immunological response and strategies for intervention -- Hematologic and hematopoietic response to burn injury -- Significance of the adrenal and sympathetic response to burn injury -- The hepatic response to thermal injury -- Effects of burn Injury on bone and mineral metabolism -- Vitamin and trace element homeostasis following severe burn injury -- Hypophosphatemia -- Nutritional support of the burned patient -- Modulation of the hypermetabolic response after burn injury -- Etiology and prevention of multisystem organ failure -- Renal failure in association with thermal injuries -- Critical care in the severely burned: Organ support and management of complications --
Burn nursing -- Special considerations of age: The pediatric burned patient -- Care of geriatric patients -- Surgical management of complications of burn injury -- Electrical injuries -- Electrical injury: Reconstructive problems -- Cold-induced injury: Frostbite -- Chemical burns -- Radiation injuries and vesicant burns -- Exfoliative diseases of the integument and soft tissue necrotizing infections -- The burn problem: A pathologist's perspective -- Molecular and cellular basis of hypertrophic scarring -- Pathophysiology of the burn scar -- Comprehensive rehabilitation of the burn patient -- Musculoskeletal changes secondary to thermal burns -- Mitigation of burn-induced hypermetabolic and catabolic response during convalescence -- Reconstruction of burn deformities: An overview -- The use of skin grafts, skin flaps and tissue expansion in burn deformity reconstruction -- Microvascular technique of composite tissue transfer -- Reconstruction of the head and neck -- Correction of burn alopecia -- Reconstruction of the burned breast -- Management of contractural deformities involving the shoulder (axilla), elbow, hip and knee joints in burned patients -- Care of a burned hand and reconstruction of the deformities -- Management of burn injuries of the perineum -- Reconstruction of burn deformities of the lower extremity -- The ethical dimension of burn care -- Intentional burn injuries -- Functional sequelae and disability assessment -- Cost-containment and outcome measures -- Management of pain and other discomforts in burned patients -- Psychiatric disorders associated with burn injury -- Psychosocial recovery and reintegration of patients with burn injuries