"Spatial organization of ancient Chinese texts (preliminary remarks)" / Vera Dorofeeva-Lichtmann -- "Leibniz and the use of manuscripts: Text as process" / Eberhard Knobloch -- "Opera Omnia: the production of cultural authority" / Michael Cahn -- "Writing works: a reaction to Michael Cahn's paper" / Hans-Jörg Rheinberger -- "Text, representation and technique in early modern China" / Craig Clunas -- "The algebraic art of discourse algebraic Dispositio, invention, and imitation in sixteenth-century France" / Giovanna C. Cifoletti -- "Ancient Sanskrit mathematics: an oral tradition and a written literature" / Pierre-Sylvain Filliozat -- "The limits of text in Greek mathematics" / Reviel Netz -- "Reading Strasbourg 368: a thrice-told tale" / Jim Ritter -- "What is the content of this book? A plea for developing history of science and history of text conjointly" / Karine Chemla -- "Knowledge and its artifacts" / David R. Olson